
The Invitation

These photos will be the first that Nowicki intends to take for him, according to the actor's wishes. Śliwiński wanted to have proof that he really existed as a human being, not only as a figure on the wide screen. Andrzej knew where such an unusual wish came from and promised to fulfill it. Today, at Martynka, Dominik not only smiled, he laughed sincerely and radiantly, which Andrzej had not had the opportunity to see before. This laugh was so precious and beautiful that it had to be immortalized.

The day passed quickly. Martynka took over Dominik so much that neither Andrzej nor even Paulina at the end of their visit to the zoo were able to keep up with her. Finally in the afternoon she ran to them despite the cold, blushed and blushed, carrying a huge, plush kangaroo. Śliwiński appeared right behind her, looking exhausted and happy for it.

"Phew, never again," he panted, resting his hands on his knees. In this position, he tried to catch his breath.

His mouth said no, but his eyes shone so brightly and the smile on his face was as serene as if his whole body was screaming in big letters YES!

Nowicki suppressed his own smile. He didn't understand why he was so happy too? Probably because emotions are contagious. The two of them actually exuded satisfaction and it was impossible to escape from it.

"Wait a minute, what have you brought here? Paulina pretended to be angry."

"It's a kangaroo," Martynka exclaimed happily. "Dominik bought it for me!"

"It's not nice to ask Mr. Śliwiński for gifts."

"But I ..."

"It was my idea," he looked at her with the eyes of a begging kitten. Andrzej wondered if he had done it on purpose, or if this look in his eyes was coming naturally to him. "Martynka promised to feed him herself and take him for a walk, so you don't have to worry about him at all."

Paulina looked sternly at her daughter.

"Are you really going to take care of him yourself?"


"Well, I guess I have no choice ..."

Andrzej looked at all three of them feeling grateful that they were part of his world. Paulina and Martynka were at that moment the women of his life, and Dominik ...

Dominik stared at him with eyes full of happiness.

It was one of the most beautiful paintings that Andrzej had seen in his life.


There was an envelope waiting for Dominik in the mailbox.

"You have the mail!" Andrzej called as he closed the gate, noticing the package.

"I must have won a trip to an exotic country. Or a new car."

"I do not think so. Unless the ProAnime Foundation has changed customs."

Śliwiński looked as if his joke did not amuse him at all.

"Throw it out, it's just trash."

"Really? How do you know?"

"Because I get these envelopes every year."

"Seriously? What is this?"

"The invitation" Dominik replied indifferently.

"Cool. For what?" Andrzej was curious, however. He never received invitations from such famous organizations. The only invitations he received in the mail were for a promotional presentation of merino bedding or stainless pots, where a man was urged to buy the things he needed.

"To a charity event."

For one of those famous parties for famous people, where the cream of society would meet to expand their contacts under the cover of charity? If so… A idea was beginning to form in Nowicki's mind.

"When?" Andrzej asked feeling excitement spread within him.

"In a month."

"Will it be very formal? Will you wear a tailcoat?" Andrzej joked.

"I will not go."

"What? Why?" Andrzej was surprised.

"I don't go to such events."

"But why?"

"Do you really have to ask?"

"I'm sorry for speaking."

"It's not that," Dominik growled irritably. "I don't go to parties because there are too many people there."

Right. Dominik is afraid of people. He likes them, maybe even loves them, but he feels insecure in company of many people. Strangers, especially the crowd, are a threat to him.

But today there were crowds at the zoo and the actor had a really great time. He did not show at all that he was scared or even worried.

"I think you should go," Andrzej said gently to him as they crossed the threshold. "Remember what you said in the interview about how much life experience do you lose? This party is one of them.

"Yes, but…" Śliwiński trailed off as if he had no argument.

"You see, you know I'm right. You should go once, see what it looks like and if you don't like it, let go of the next one."

"But ..." Andrzej had the impression that Dominik was softening. "It is fitting to go with an accompanying person, and I don't know anyone."

"How do you know no one? Andrzej was surprised. "And the actresses you played with?"

"We're not in touch. It would be weird to invite one of them."

"Even the little one who backed you so nicely on her website?"

"I don't think her fiancé would be glad we're going together."

"Right," Novicki admitted.

He looked thoughtfully at his young friend and for the thousandth time he had to admit to himself that the boy was simply beautiful. Adding to this his personal charm and subtle personality, Śliwiński was made for seduction, whether he wanted it or not. It is enough for him to show up in several places and create circumstances to meet someone, and he will be able to choose between girls.

Andrzej felt a slight twinge of jealousy. Though he himself looked fine, he never attracted the fair sex. It was as if he had an aura of inaccessibility around him.

The feeling was momentary. At this point, they were going to be busy finding a girlfriend for Dominik, and it shouldn't be that hard.

"Don't worry about the partner," he told the actor. "We'll find one for you."


"You are Dominik Śliwiński, every woman could let herself be cut into pieces to go to a party with you. If you advertised that you are looking for a companion, half of Poland would apply."

"But I don't want to ... If I decide to go to this party, then with someone nice. Maybe I will invite Paulina ... She will definitely agree."

Only that there is no chance of an affair with Paulina, it dawned on Andrzej's mind, and this opportunity would be great for getting to know someone in a more… intimate way. If Dominik went to a party with some nice and sexy girl, and she succumbed to his natural charm, the situation could take the right course.

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