
Body Pain, Heart Pain

Dominik laughed at some funnier scene, a bit hesitant and shy, but it looked like the comedy had done its job. Andrzej remembered that he too should react, so he laughed too, though not very sincerely.

Marczak is unpredictable, he thought anxiously. What if he attacks Dominik again? He is twice as large and stronger than him, the boy will not stand a chance. Damn it! Only that was what Dominik lacked! First the vultures, now the wolves.

For some reason, the thought that Dominik was completely vulnerable and exposed to blows made Andrzej feel pain in his chest. Hurting Śliwiński was as simple as taking a candy from a child, and just as mean. Does Dominik have someone, anyone, to protect him?

He probably thought he did until he was betrayed by that person.

Andrzej did not know much about Śliwiński. All he knew about his real life was what he had observed all these days. The man did not lead a lush, social life almost without leaving home. Nobody visited him, except for Marczak. He wasn't sitting on the Internet for hours or hours on the phone line. In the morning he exercised on his atlas, then took a shower and had a light breakfast. After that, he started reading books or scripts. Before noon he would go out shopping and then do some housework. He cooked himself a dinner and after eating it, he started reading again. Sometimes he studied recordings for an hour or two, probably to improve his acting skills. All this time, apart from Marczak's visits, he was completely alone.

Nowicki realized that the end credits were already flying. He shifted on the couch and looked at Śliwiński. The young man was asleep with his head tilted to his left shoulder. He looked so innocent and gentle that Andrzej with all his heart felt the desire to protect him.

They may have been complete strangers, but Dominik didn't seem to have anyone else.


The sounds that Andrzej heard while in the kitchen showed that Dominik Śliwińsk had already woken up. Andrzej leaned out through the door niche and called out:

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Nowicki asked.

"Good morning" disheveled Dominik blinked his eyes and smiled warmly. "It's okay, thank you. Ouch!"

The blanket slid to the floor as he tried to get up. It is true that Andrzej at night put him in a more comfortable position than the one in which he fell asleep curled up on the couch, but apparently yesterday's injury made itself felt painfully.

Concerned, Andrzej approached him.

"Can you move?"

"Yes, just… not too fast," he replied through gritted teeth.

"Show me your back."


"You hit them on the table, don't you remember? Show me your back," he demanded again.

Dominik turned his back to him, but Andrzej had to pull up his t-shirt.

Śliwiński hissed.

Nowicki bit his tongue.

A vast dark bruise grew on the actor's back.

"You should see the doctor with this."

"No," he blurted out awkwardly. His movements were pain limited. His wrist was also blue. "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone. You promised!"

Andrzej gritted his teeth.

"Okay, but it still needs to be treated. Do you have any ointment for bruises?"

Dominik thought about it.

"Probably not…"

"Then I'll go buy it. Does anyone have keys to your house?"

Śliwiński looked at him, eyes wide.

"No," he replied.

"No one?"

"No one."

"We'll do it like this, you lend me the keys to your house, I'll lock you inside and go to the pharmacy. You will not open anyone during this time. You will lie down politely so as not to force your back. When I get back, we'll put some ointment on it and I'll make you breakfast. Would you like something special?"

Śliwiński looked at him for a moment with eyes as large as saucers and finally said:

"Waffles with white coffee."

"Then I'll make you waffles with white coffee. Lie still, it shouldn't take me more than a quarter of an hour. Keys ..."

Dominik pointed to a bamboo bowl with a decorative motif standing on a dresser under hangers by the door.

Andrzej grabbed them and immediately ran out of the house. Śliwiński was stubborn as a donkey, but he had the right to decide when and whether to use a doctor's services at all. It did not change the fact that a large hematoma had grown on his back, which is certainly very painful and makes it difficult to move.

Nowicki once had a quite serious injury, so he knew how such bruises can hurt, but he also tried various measures. So he didn't even have to ask for advice from the pharmacy. He chose the ointment he had proven himself and the pills, and without waiting he headed back.

Andrzej found Dominik sitting on the edge of the couch. At the sound of the door opening, the actor looked towards the entrance. His eyes sparkled, but his face was expressionless. Nowicki was unable to read any emotions from her and thought that Śliwiński had put on his acting mask. It took a moment for him to notice that the young man had a cell phone in his hand.

"I got a really good ointment. Two days of use and you'll be like new."

Dominik smiled faintly. The mask began to fall. At the moment he looked sad.

"Did something happen?" Andrzej instinctively looked at the phone.

"Nothing," Śliwiński replied with a hint of bitterness in his voice. "And that's the point."

"You thought he'd call?" Nowicki guessed sitting next to him.

"I know, it's stupid, but I thought so. I thought maybe he would be worried about me. After all, he's got good money of me."

Andrzej knew it wasn't about any money. The two were connected by something more than just professional relations, so the pain in Śliwiński's voice was understandable. He remembered his face photographed during intercourse with Marczak again. Dominik could really love him. If so, what his lover did was all the more painful and in Andrzej's eyes – unforgivable.

"If he called, would you forgive him?"

Śliwiński stared at the phone he was holding tightly.

"I don't know," he admitted honestly.

"You should not. You are not his property."

"Yes but…"

"Do you want to make excuses for him?"

Dominik looked down.

Hell, what an idiot! Yesterday he had almost been r***d by the other guy, had been battered to the point where he could hardly move, yet he wanted to forgive him and just waited for an opportunity to do so.

Is this what love looks like? Stupid!

"I'd like to give you an ointment. It is best if you lie down comfortably on your stomach."

Dominik obeyed the command without saying a word, lying on the couch. Andrzej pulled up his T-shirt and squeezed a large dose of an ointment smelling of camphor and mint on his arm. He smeared it on his hands and placed them on the actor's back.

Śliwiński made no sound, but his body tightened when touched. Andrzej tried to be as gentle as possible, but he suspected that they were causing him pain anyway.

"Done," he said when he finished and gently lowered his shirt again. "You should lie down a bit."

"Thank you."

Nowicki took a blanket and covered Śliwiński's back with it, then stood by his head.

"Give me your hand," he ordered.

"I myself can ..."

"I already have ointment on my hand. Show off your wrist."

Dominik timidly extended his hand, which disappeared into the photographer's massive hands. The bruise on her was not as macabre as on his back, but it required some effort. Contrary to that, he was constantly in Śliwiński's sight, reminding him about painful experiences.

"I also bought some good pills, but you shouldn't take them on an empty stomach. I will make breakfast. Waffles and white coffee, right?"

"Yes," came a very soft reply. Andrzej was already leaving for the kitchen when his name said by Dominik stopped him. He stopped.


"Why are you doing this? Why are you taking care of me?"

"Don't be offended, but it looks like you need help and don't want it from anyone else. Actually, I should be asking why are you allowing me to help you?

This question was actually a joke. Andrzej did not expect to hear the answers, so he was surprised when Dominik's voice sounded:

"Because I've already seen your darkest side."

Next chapter