
Chapter 1 | Scandal

Police precinct No.49

I was working on sorting out the clues on this missing persons case, when the speakers suddenly called out.

"All personnel working on Rollycrunch and the missing persons case, please come to the meeting room for a briefing, that includes the SWAT team."

Me, and several colleauges almost ran straight to the briefing room, where our Captain was at, at the front of the room. He was waiting for everyone to arrive and next to him was Miller, Detective Miller, he was the lead detective of both the case on Rollycrunch and missing persons case, partly due to the fact that these incidents of people getting kidnapped was tied to Rollycrunch and their very fishy research, and the kidnapping wasn't just limited to the states, even foreigners from other continents such as asia and europe have been kidnapped, or so I have heard at least.

Miller: "Ahem, alright people, I have a possible location where this supposed research could be happening, and we will be conducting a raid on this place, it used to be an old factory, but has since been converted into a new-ish storage facility, while we don't know what's inside, we can expect at least some resistance, since it is in control of a local gang, this raid will be critical for the case on Rollycrunch and kidnappings around the world, I'll tell the details once we are at site."

Captain: "Alright move people! Get down to armoury and get your gear!"

And so I sprinted down the stairs to the 2nd floor, where the armoury is located, I identified myself to the guard and he let me in to the armoury, once there, I grabbed a kevlar vest and strapped it on, a combat belt and strapped it on, extra magazines and magazine holders, an ear-piece that I connected to the radio, and a knife and holster, adding it to my combat belt.

I then exited the armoury and went straight for the exit, where a couple police cars and SWAT vans were waiting, with their engines on and blue lights flashing. I stepped into one of the SWAT vans, and once we were rolling Miller gave us a sitrep.

Miller: "Ok so, the 48th have established a lockdown zone around the storehouse and have placed an additional no cross zone 5 blocks around the storehouse, we will be doing a joint raid with the FBI, we'll take the front while FBI takes care of the back, as I mentioned before, we might encounter a few gang members inside, so stay frosty."

With that in mind I ran with the rest of the group to the entrance of the storehouse, I was second in line after the breacher, and was waiting for the door to be breached. On the radio I could hear the team leader counting down for the breach.

"3… 2… 1… Go go go!"

As soon as the word was heard, a SWAT member ran with a heavy breaching device towards the door, slammed into it and transferring the kinetic energy into the door, the door lock unable to handle the force shattered and the door flung open slamming into the wall, once the door was open a flashbang was thrown in and once the flashbang went off me and the team rushed in, clearing every corner of this storehouse.


Once I cleared the 4th row of shelves I moved my attention to the double doors in the middle of the 5th row, a sign above them said "Administrative room", and me and a couple of SWAT members took position around the doors, the guy opposite of me counted down from 3.

"3, 2, 1, Go!"

With that, the breaching device slammed into the wooden doors, cracking shattering the lock inside of them and allowing them to open, this time I took the initiative and was first to go in, I followed the short corridor, hitting a sharp left turn, clearing the turn there were 2 doors on the left side along the corridor, I took the door further down, gently opening the door I was disgusted at the horrid sight, but pushing those feelings down as I had learnt from the police academy, I focused on clearing the rest of the room, once the room was cleared I took my time to actually study it.

Back to what I saw, there were four tubes in total, each one numbered from 1 to 4, the fourth one had a person inside of it, she was suspended in some kind of green liquid and donned a breathing mask, cat ears and cat tail… What the hecc. I scrambled for my radio and called in Dispatch.

"Dispatch… I think we'll need an ambulance and fire engine asap, there seems to be a person suspended in a tube at site."

"Copy, ambulance and fire engine on the way, ETA 10 minutes."

I called out to Miller on the radio.

"Hey Miller!"

Miller: "Go ahead Jake."

Jake: "Umm, I think I've found something in admin room, 2nd door"

Miller: "Alright, I'm coming now"

Miller entered through the door.

Miller: "Fark man, what the hecc? I am not paid enough for this."

Jake: "Yeah yeah whatever, come and help me get her out of this contraption."

Miller: "Alright."

The tubes themselves were cylindrical, and had a sort of panel in front of them, the panel displayed some information, such as the name, status of the person inside, and… Conversion progress? It sat at 100%, like what the fark, was this some sort of sci-fi movie or what? I ignored the info for now and focused on finding a way to get her out, noting the company name on the panel and test tubes, it read "Rollycrunch"... The hell?

Jake: "Hey Miller, this shet is supposedly made by Rollycrunch."

Miller: "For real? Damn, they are so gonna be busted after this."

That aside, I found a button sneakily hidden behind the panel that read "Emergency release" and pushed it without hesitation, the glass somehow shattered giving everyone in the room a jumpscare,and spilt out all the green liquid.

Miller: "Jake what the hecc? My feet are now covered in this green stuff!"

Jake: "Look at the bright side, we got her out of the tube."

I gently removed the breathing mask from the girl, and checked her pulse, the heart was still beating, although weak. As if on cue paramedics came in with a stretcher, lifted her up onto the stretcher and hurriedly exited the room.

After that I looked around the room for any clues, the SWAT team members left for debriefing outside. I found several papers, documenting something about nekomimi? I didn't really know what it was about, but there were mentions of Rollycrunch, I left the room letting the forensics team to tag everything later.


Typical news intro jingle

"Breaking news! After a police raid conducted last night the link between Rollycrunch and human rights abuse has been revealed! Following the police raid Rollycrunch stocks have plummeted and a company statement was released, More tonight on random channel news."

End of chapter 1

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