
Party at Remnant Part 4!: Link wakes up, while Jaune wakes up a dragon.


his chapter was ready to go for 1 and a half week....i just forgot to upload it xD

as a apology let me give an advice you can tell to your future wives when they are pregnant.

If your pregnant wife is getting robbed then force the baby out, and use the umbilical cord to swing the fetus like a mace!

Believe me it works. I never tried to steal from a pregnant lady again.


Food here is fucking delicious

Beds are godsend gift from heaven itself.

was the observation of the hero of the wild when he finally arrived to Mistral

ever since he woke up from that 100 year nap in the chamber of restoration He had barely slept, only resting when it was necessary to not collapse. And even then he slept only for 3-4 hours.

I think its Safe to say, that Link was going into Auto-destruction in order to save Zelda, and preparing himself to fight the king of demons Ganon.

and since the time in his world has stopped...Its time for another 100 year old nap.

or at least that how he wanted it to be, but a 24...maybe 48 hour nap would do.

(A/N: Bitch thats sleep not napping!)

and sleep he did! he slept and slept, it got to the point where the Motel staff broke down the door to see if he was still alive!

one puch to the nuts later, the hotel staff didnt bother him anymore.

normally he wouldnt act that way, but if there is any truth in this world....its that you NEVER interrupt the sleep of: A cat, A newborn baby, And a very, very tired man.

and when he woke up.

he went to the toilet and went to sleep again for 5 more minutes before his hunger forced him to get up, get dressed and go get something to eat.

y'know, standard waking procedure.

after eating some cheep food he bought from the remaining of his Lien that he got from selling his old sword and Armor, he realized a very important thing...he is broke.

and if he remembered correctly, this world has a Monster problem.

"Hero of the wild: hey im kinda broke, is there a possibility to do some monster hunting work here on remnant?"

"Monkey boi: HE LIVES!"

"The immortal Wizard of Oz: its good to see you are alright, we have been worried when you didnt respond for 2 days."

"Hero of the wild: sorry, but i really needed a long nap."

"God of Chaos: understandable, but still it was boring AF watching you sleep."

"Hero of the Wild: ?"

"God of Chaos: long story short, me and Ereshkigal are watching you all doing stuff on remnant like a reality show"

Link didnt know what a reality show is, he just understood that GoC can somehow see him. He just accepted it as something a God is able to do and asked again.

"Hero of the Wild: so can i get money by Monster hunting?"

"The Immortal Wizard of Oz: Grimm and Bandit hunting, all you need to do is find a huntsmen guild."

"Hero of the wild: alright thanks."

"Monkey boi: you guys want to bet how long will it take for him to respond this time?"

"Lady of Space and Time: 50 Lien he uses the chat today"

"King of Kitsunes: one of my teeth that he does so tomorrow."

ignoring the rest of the incoming messages Link hanged the sheikah slate back on his belt and started asking people where the Huntsmen guild is. And while he was doing so, in the back of his head there was this one question that kept bugging him.

who will he let win the bet?

ignoring that question for now he focused on looking for the huntsmen guild, and when he found it...he was not impressed.

Receptionist: hello how can i help you?

said one of the 3 receptionist's...thats all there was, a small hall just big enough to host 30-40 people and 3 reception desks.

Link: i would like to take a job.

Said the knight deciding not to waste more time then necessary. He was getting hungry, and while he could hunt something for himself, food prepared in a kitchen by a chef is 1,000 times better then a roasted piece of meat.

Receptionist: do you posses a huntsman license, sir?

Link: no.

Receptionist: in that case i need you to sign this paper right here. It says that you will not sue the huntsman guild if you will sustain serious injuries while on a mission, this includes crippling, and death.

Link looked at the document and then at the right-bottom corner of the document where there was a empty space waiting for his signature. However there was one problem...

he didnt know how to write.

Dont get me wrong, he can write Hylian, but not Remnant language, which he found out weird by itself, how can it be possible that another world altogether has the same language as the one he uses, but has a different alphabet?

one of life great mysteries.

Receptionist: Sir?

Link: I...I dont know how to write.




Receptionist: -_-

Link : ._.

Receptionist: I fucking hate this job. Whats your name sir?

said the receptionist, although he whispered the first part.

Link: Its Link.

Receptionist: L-I-N-K ?

spelled the poor guy behind the desk in order to confirm how its written.

in response he got a nod from the Knight.

After it was Done, Link took a simple, but generous paying mission to clear an area around a village 1 day away from here.

Thanking the receptionist and walking out of the Guild, Link took a breath and relaxed a little.

"well that was embarrassing" he thought and began to stroll toward the kingdom gate in order to exit the city. After all a grown man not knowing how to write is quite embarrassing.

---meanwhile with Ozpin---

Ozpin: Any good news?

Ironwood: Grimm all over the kingdoms are becoming more, and more aggressive, we constantly get reports of villages getting trampled by Grimm hordes, we try to save others by mass migration but soon there will be no more place for more civilians.

The General was speaking in a tired, almost hollow voice. He was no stranger to these scenarios, he long ago accepted he would never be able to save everyone, he could only try to save as many as possible.

But it didnt mean he was okay with it! it always left a bitter taste in his mouth, it always turned his stomach when he knew that people died, and he could do anything to stop it.

not in a "im sick" way, it was this feeling of your own guts dancing in a spiral while seemingly collapsing into themself. He hated that feeling.

Ozpin: James, i asked for Good news.

The irritated response of Ozpin made Ironwood look at him with the most deadpan expression he could.

Ironwood: Im afraid we dont have good news.

Responded the General, with an equally irritated tone.

because this is one of the many emotion he felt right now. Irritation...and there was a LOT of it.

Ciri: ...at least Link is finally active?

said the OP white haired lady who finally made herself known after sitting silent trough most of this ongoing conversation.

Ironwood: who?

the questioning tone of voice, and apparent confusion on Ironwood face was not a surprise. After all this is the first time he heard of this "Link" person.

Ozpin: one of our allies. At this very moment he is probably on his way to assist a random village out of Mistrall kingdom walls.

the General responded with a simple "oh", and felt a small spark of comfort in his chest, those few people in that village will be okay.

After hearing how Ciri - or Cirilla if you choose to be formal - can create black holes (or rather a magical version of black holes), and how a mythical creature straight from the faunus religion big as a mountain popped on menagerie out of nowhere, and how another God is now running free across remnant bombarding Grimm hoards with Lighting without any difficulty, it was needless to say that he had no doubt that this "Link" will succeed in his task.

the Fox size is already a terrifying thing on its own, but from what Ozpin explained it could also erase the kingdoms by itself with this thing he called "chakra". Honestly it still sounded like magic to him.

at this point, he wouldnt be surprised if this "link" could slow down time or something".

---meanwhile With Link---

Adrenaline, and near death experience is the two needed requirements for his champion ability to trigger.

He could not call upon it like the other champions, it triggered itself on its own when he was in danger.

Link watched with calm eyes as a the claws of the...bear? Big bone armored black bear, slowly moving toward him. His mind going into hyperdrive making his surrounding slow down for him.

sure, its not an indestructible shield, or healing, or wind control, or Raining lightning on your enemies...but its still a good ability! it gives you more time to think on the battlefield, and what is the best action to take while in battle.

hell he even waits on purpose for the attack to be as close to him in order to make a last second dodge! that way he can Kinda turn on his champion ability when he chooses it!

the only downside is that while his mind was working superfast, his body was slower. Not as slow as normal, but still slower than his mind.

well he aint complaining.

doing a graceful backstep to the right he evaded the attack of the beast, and decapitated it right after he did it.

Well...that was easy.

---Back to Ironwood thought---

or maybe he can even rewind time? call a storm? heal people by playing a flute? alright, he could accept the first two, but the last one is just ridiculous, there is no way something like that can happen.

---Meanwhile inside the pocket space of the sheikah slate---

*Ocarina of time is chilling right next to the pile of apples*

---meanwhile with Ozpin---

Ironwood: alright that's some good news at least.

Ozpin: indeed it is. on another hand, the council of Vacuo asked the other kingdoms for help. Only problem is, we are running out of huntsman, almost all of ours were given an area to deal with, and those who are still free will be given their own territory to protect soon.

ironwood: same here unfortunately.

from the corner of his eye Ozpin saw Ciri opening her mouth, and before she had the chance to say anything he already responded.

Ozpin: no, you stay here, believe me you are more needed here, than there.

was the answer to the question she didn't have to ask. some times she believes that he can see the future.

"wait, he's a wizard!" she remembered and become 100% sure that he can see the future.

Ozpin: no I'm not able to read the future, you're just easy to read.

she is 99% sure he can see the future.

Ciri: why am I needed here? Vale seems to have things under control, and you said yourself that Vacuo is asking for help! they clearly not handling thing as good as us!

Oz let out a sigh. he leaned into his chair and turned to look at the window. Or rather at the view behind the window.

mount Glenn, one of the biggest catastrophe in the current generation. both the city on the mountain, and INSIDE the mountain were destroyed by a Grimm invasion.

when it happened...fear, and panic were potent, the Grimm feed on it.

And among all that chaos and panic one Grimm was able to harvest enough negative emotions to evolve.

It evolved way beyond a simple alpha, no, it evolved into a Titan.

Titans are dangerous, they can spawn Grimm and are incredibly tough. the best way to kill a Titan, is to do it while it's still young.

but since it made its nest in the more closed area inside mount Glenn, trying to kill it there would be suicide, and no matter what they tried, it just wouldn't come out of its lair.

so it sat there, and continued to sit there all these years. at this point its defiantly a fully grown Titan class Grimm, and if the Eldritch Gods decide to wipe out Vale from the maps, then all that panic and chaos may be enough for the Titan to come out.

trying to fend it off while in such circumstances would be impossible...unless there is a way to kill it in one hit.

and if a black hole to the face is not enough to kill it, then nothing will.

fortunately Ciri is learning quite fast thanks to Ozpin tips, and may be able to create a black hole spell before the attack.

if it will happen to Vale and not another kingdom that is.

but it's still to much of a risk. Ciri must stay here, even if she could not create a black hole when. it happens, she and himself will be enough to deal with the beast. especially now that he got his magical powers again.

Ozpin: trust me, this is the lesser evil.

his voice was tired, sad, almost depressed. She knew why, after all geralt taught her this lesson long ago.

Ciri: lesser or greater...evil is still evil at the end of the day...

no matter what she chooses it will still be evil.

she never fully understood that lesson until now.

Ciri: fuck.

Oz couldn't agree more.

"if only there was something that could kill that bastard" thought ozpin.

---meanwhile with future Sam/Jaune.---

Jaune: skibidi dam du da daam!

said the blonde knight and fired a mini plasma missile toward the sleeping Titan.

a bright light, and angry roar later, the blonde was preparing himself for a fun fight.


next chapter will be all about action.

Link vs army of Grimm.

Jaune/future Sam vs Grimm Titan

and the most devastating match of them all...

Emiya intervention about Artoria unhealthy love for dragons.

Next chapter