
Chapter 19: Bereau of Magical Journey

Selene triples the basket ball and plays the game in the basket ball court.

Fairy Lara: What seems interesting here ?

Selene: It's fun...Watch the game ...

Selene speeds up her pace with her magic and flies like a bird...

Selene: What was that .. ? (Laughs) .. I did not see this happening...

Fairy Lara: Speed is an elfs power... I see, that side of you is getting stronger

Selene jumps and bounces the ball in the basket..

Fairy Lara: Selene... Be careful with your powers.

Selene: How cool is that.. ?

Fairy Lara: You have to learn that nobody sees you when  you perform magic..

Selene: Are you teaching me invisibility? But Why ?

Fairy Lara: Your powers are developing too fast, you should not reveal your magic to anyone.

Fairy Lara makes Selene to stand in front of the mirror.

Fairy Lara: Stand in front of this mirror and watch closely...

Fairy Lara uses her magic wand to become invisible...

Fairy Lara: Now Look at the mirror....

Selene: You are not there ....!! I mean you are invisible in the mirror...

Fairy Lara: Now you can do that....!!

Selene: But where is my wand ? I don't have any wand?

Fairy Lara: You are more elf than a fairy.. You don't need a wand.. Getting a wand is a complicated process.. So make use of your hand instead.

Selene: Ok... I will try...

Selene stands in front of the mirror to practise invisibility...

Fairy Lara: Focus on your feet and move your way up your body. Now use your fingers...

Selene gets invisible in more than half portions.... She practises more to make herself completely invisible... But she fails in that process...

Fairy Lara trains her to use her fingers anti-clockwise to come back...

Selene: I gotta go now ...see you later...

Fairy Lara: Ok....but you must keep practising..

Selene reaches her home to have a lunch. Her mom prepares a yummy chicken briyani with raita. Selene is taken by the aroma of the food. She says.. "Awesome aroma....can't wait to eat..."..

Selene takes a spoon of briyani mixed with raita to relish her taste buds. The news flashes on her television.

A reporter says, there has been a magical chair floating at the park....

Nivi: They tell it's real about the flying chair ..? Do you know Selene ?

Selene: That's impossible...How can a chair fly...? (Chokes)...

Selene finishes her lunch and gets back to her bedroom. In the meanwhile, Selene makes a mirror work to get invisible ....

Selene learns about invisibility.... She gets completely disappeared in the mirror....

Selene walks through the library walls..

Fairy Lara: Where have you been? You are too late..

Selene: I have a very tight schedule.

Professor assigns a work for Abbe, Lara and Selene.... A letter box floats in the Air smiling...

Selene: How to deal the letterbox?

Fairy Lara: On the 25 th of every month, anyone who touches the letterbox between 9 to 9.15 am of the morning, would turn into a cat.

Selene: Oh...I see.... that sounds scary..

Fairy Lara: We must protect others from touching that... That is our work...

In the meantime, Professor Peter gives them an important task.

Peter: The Lost Property Suitcase is very much important. As you all know, the lost property is collected in here and registered in the ledger. Then the items are matched with the owner.

The Professor keeps a handkerchief and matches with the lost property list. The kerchief gets vanished.

Peter: In this case, Miss. Mia, 13 Herd Parade... And her item is returned. See you people can empty the list by matching the lost things.

Elf Abbe: This is lame...!!

Fairy Sia: No.. reuniting lost things with their owners is like granting  them a wish. It's fun.

Elf Abbe: You have a strange sense of fun.

Selene: Here comes a green mobile phone...

Fairy Lara: Mr. Marshal, 24 Elm Street.

They match the items with the ledger..

The next morning...

Elf Abbe and Fairy Lara get on their work.....

(Door slams)...

Fairy Lara: Oh...the pixie dust... It's Mrs. Dena !! She must not touch the box..Please stop her...!!

Elf Abbe: Me? You need to work on people skills...

Fairy Lara: It isn't the time..

Elf Abbe: Yes...it could take years...

Elf Abbe pushes Fairy Lara... saying " Go....

Fairy Lara: Hello, Mrs. Dena...My dog went missing... I left the door open and naughty Tony ran out...I think he went into your backyard.. Could you please take me to have a look ?

Mrs. Dena: Ofcourse, dear...

Engine revs...

A man in bike posts a letter in the box sharply at 9.05 am... He turns into a cat...

Mrs. Dena: I am sorry..he isn't here..

Fairy Lara: Tony's my best friend. I don't

know what I would do without him..

Mrs. Dena: I am sure...you would find him.

Fairy Lara...shouts at Abbe...You might be kidding...you had only one job....you failed it...?

Elf Abbe: There were two postmen what could I do....? When I was protecting the other. This fella used the letter box at that time.

Fairy Lara: We are going to get expelled. My parents are going to disown me..... (crying).. I am going to live in a cave with trolls.

Elf Abbe: We must fix this. We just have to turn him back.

Fairy Lara: Yes .. right...All we have to do is to turn a cat back into a post man. Simple...!!

While they talk the cat escapes...

Elf Abbe: Where did the cat go?

Elf Abbe reaches library to meet Selene and others..

Elf Abbe: A postman turned into a cat. We have to find it and turn him back. Selene help me in this...

Selene: You lost the cat and how can I help...?

Elf Abbe: You can speak to the cat. Remember, you can communicate to animals.

Selene: I have communicated only to few of them.

Elf Abbe: Professor Peter can't know about it.. Any ideas on ways to change a cat into a human again.. ?

Fairy Sia: You have to read the folder and have to put him back before the sunset.

Elf Abbe: Why sunset ?

Fairy Sia: With this type of magic, if you don't reverse the transformation before the sunset...then it becomes permanent.

Elf Abbe: This day just keep getting better.....!!

Mrs. Dena: How you seen my postman?

Fairy Lara: Why...?

Mrs. Dena: These are his things..Why would he leave here ?

Fairy Lara: Urgent phone call or bathroom break..!!

Lara hears the "meow" sound of a cat and checks back.. As she carries the cat, a man chases her...

" That's my cat..." He gets his cat from her.

Lara: Are you sure it's yours...?

He smirked and gets his cat.

Selene make use of her dog to sniff the cat ...She tells.. "You must track his scent by sniffing his things"..

Dog says..I have my standards you know. I will try to find...

Dog: I smell coffee grounds and a fur with a hint of postage glue.

Selene: You found ?

Dog: Yes ...

Selene: Where...? ( asking the dog)

The dog takes both of them to the cat..

Selene: It should be sunset in two minutes...

They rush towards the letter box and place the dog facing it, again it turns back to a post man.

Peter: I am very disappointed to know about this. Next time if you are given a task, read the file first..

Professor throws the file on the students desk...

They say... "Yes... professor"...

Selene treats her dog with meat and bones. Elf Abbe and Fairy Lara thank the dog for helping them.


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