
Chapter 14: Growth of Frangipani - Nag Champa

In the evening time, Selene could see the growth of frangipani in the potted plants of her garden. Its sweet smell and sheer beauty attracts her.

Selene: Gia...come..!!

Gia: Where..??

Selene: Come with me...

Selene holds Gia's hand and takes her to the garden.

Selene points her finger towards frangipani that has an exotic fragrance and medicinal use.

Gia: Wow... Nice flowers...!!! What's the name of the flowers? Tell me about it...

Selene: It's Frangipani. The flowers are creamy-white to orange in colour.

Frangipani is associated with love in Feng Shui. It is ruled by Venus having the feminine energy. In Hindu culture, the frangipani flower means loyalty.

Selene plucks few flowers and adorns the altar as it symbolises devotion and are used in worship and rituals.

The fragrance of the Champa flower brings delight to her senses. Selene extracts oil from the Champa flower that has a lush and rich floral fragrance. They smell in peachy fragrances.

Selene travels to the parallel world and could see the growth of frangipani there too. She gets delighted to see the growth of creamy-white flowers with sweet fragrances.

Selene brings frangipani to Purple for making perfumes. Purple produces single-ingredient frangipani-scented perfume for women and multi-ingredient frangipani perfumes for men.

Selene tells Purple, ... traditionally Champa flowers are meant to reside in the heavenly home of Sree Krishna, the Hindu God who resides in the highest realm of heaven. Frangipani is considered as a sacred flower for worship. They are used for their healing qualities in Vietnam. Warming oils are made from these flowers to treat anxiety and insomnia.

Purple: That sounds interesting...You can use frangipani for Kalachakra pooja to please God. This will bring more goodness to both worlds.

Purple hands those perfumes to Selene.....

Selene visits the royal palace to gift Hudson the men perfume and hands over the women perfume to Tae won.

Selene smiles and says... The royal perfumes are indeed for the royal ones!!

Hudson: Smiles...Thank you for those perfumes. By the way, the fragrance is good.

Selene: Yes... So it's frangipani... (Smiles). It's growing in this world too, I am delighted to see that... Now, it's time for me to leave... See you next time...

Hudson: Ok... See you soon.

Selene comes back to her world and gifts those perfumes to Gia and her family. Her family appreciate Selene for her efforts.

Selene's POV

I lay on my bed to watch Korean series,...

I gently open my Microsoft surface to watch the "You are Beautiful" drama, I switch on the Air conditioner of my room to keep myself cool.

The Korean series starts with the introduction of the lead roles. I cannot close my eyes as my favourite Jang shows up.

I was drooling over to see his face on the screen. My mom comes with warm turmeric milk.

Mom: What are you watching?

Selene: I'm watching a Korean series.

Mom: It's late-night, drink milk and go to sleep.

Selene: Ok...mom...will sleep soon.

Selene watches the first episode and couldn't stop herself.

Selene thinks... Wow... It's amazing!!

The more I watch, the more it tempts me.

I have to watch the whole series...

The whole night Selene stays awake to watch the series.

Selene finally completes the series and sleeps in the noon.

Nivi knocks on the door..... (calls her)... Selene....??

Nivi says... Are you still sleeping.....??

Selene: Mom. I have a headache, let me sleep, please.

Mom: Ok... But wake up to have your food.!!

Selene: Ok, mom... 5 more minutes...

A call from her lawyer ~

Selene wakes up from that slumber, feels famished, so she visits the kitchen to have her quick bite. She prepares a healthy sandwich tossed with potatoes, herbs, cheese, coriander leaves, salt and pepper to microwave them for 5 minutes.

She takes out the melted cheese sandwich and relishes a quick bite to satiate her hunger pangs.

Selene prepares a creamy cappuccino to keep her active all through the day.

Selene gets a call from a lawyer regarding her divorce case. The lawyer says the divorce hasn't been cancelled and still the case is proceeding in court. Selene feels hopeless as she couldn't change her destiny anymore.

A single call upsets her mood but Selene never loses her hope. She thinks to keep fighting until the case gets resolved or work on her terms.

Selene likes to bring some changes in her lifestyle. She goes to the parlour to have her hair cut down into layers. Selene learns feng shui to attract good luck to her life.

Selene uses Himalayan salt in the bath to remove the negativities and stuck up energy. She lights diyas facing towards the east to bring good vibes to home.

Selene decorates her altar with arts, kuber idol, scented candles, incense and a money plant. She feels renovating the ritual altar could add some goodness to her life.

Selene listens to healing mantras and positive affirmations to keep her soul happy. She feels both internal and external happiness is needed for a blissful life.

There seems no conversations between Kane and Selene after their meet. Selene doesn't want to initiate the talk anymore.

Selene makes up her mind to get her valuable belongings. She approaches the police to get her stuffs quicker. The police officer calls Kane regarding this.

Kane: "The case is still going in court"...

Police: But her valuable belongings must be given soon.

Kane: Ok,  we will give back her belongings"...

They decide a date to get her belongings.

The day comes.....

Selene makes a list of belongings and hands it over to them.

After some efforts and travel, Selene receives her personal belongings given by her dad at the wedding.

One evening, Selene receives most of her belongings bought at the wedding. Selene thinks it would be useful for her as it had some personal touch. Even a few things could be useful to Elena in her later stage.

It's been more than a year when Selene and Kane were together. Selene remembers the good old days of their togetherness. Memories flashes in her mind and soon she falls asleep.

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