
Battle of the Underdogs IV

The second half of the semifinal between NF Academy and ADO Den Haag ensued, running at the same tempo as the first. The Dutch team mostly used wing play to attack while the Norwegian team sat back and defended most of the time.

Zachary was impressed with how his teammates managed to maintain a high level of focus throughout the game. They worked together admirably, using teamwork to keep ADO Den Haag at bay by disrupting most of their wing attacks.

Kasongo and Paul, NF Academy's wingers, helped the wing-backs—whenever they were faced with an attack by ADO Den Haag on the flanks. On the other hand, the three center-backs kept a close eye on Catalin Tira and Papito Merencia, ADO Den Haag's center-forwards. They managed to clear most of the crosses that managed to reach the box.

In the 75th minute, NF Academy's defense and midfield were still putting up a good fight. The score was still 1:1, thanks to their efforts.

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