
Nether Forest

When Lucan and his party entered tent city, a lot of faces turned to see if they recognized the newcomers.

Only a few did, but those people were also known as the staples of the forward base. The man who set up a repair shop in the beginning and a chef who did the same, both came to greet him.

"Lucan. Good to see you."

"It's been awhile."

"Seem like things have gotten pretty crowded here." Lucan said as he eye over a hundred people who were currently in the camp.

"Mealtime is always crowded, in an hour, only a fraction of the people will be left once everyone heads back out."

Lucan motioned for the Willow players to do there own thing. They also knew it would take him a bit of time to update the formation.

"I can help with that." Lucan said. "We are passing through so I thought I would come by and rebuild the formation and try out a few of the new things I have learned."

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