
Entrance ceremony

I went to the house, had dinner, wore my pajamas, and tried to sleep early; tomorrow will be my first day of school.


Yami was homeschooled in the orphanage and during the time with his grandma, so he felt excited to experience such a new environment.


However, I might be getting a different feel since I'm going to attend a school for prodigies and wealthy family heirs; I need to plan every move to ensure that I will get decent grades, become rich, build strong connections, and most importantly; Farm infatuation points.

So I forced myself to sleep by using Narcos's body control function.

The morning came in a blink of an eye, the early rays of the sun hit my face from the opened window; of course, it wasn't my idea to leave it open, the small luggage room I got presented had almost everything broken.

I idly got up and didn't forget about my morning run; Narcos will strike me with a bolt of lightning every time I try to skip it.

After finishing wearing my new uniform, I looked at the mirror; the tailor did a great job altering the garments; the uniform was white and with little dreary stripes on the edges, I can't even imagine how it will look on me if I was the same pig three months ago.

I used the remaining time to have a rare breakfast with Miku's family.

Like usual, baldy fox was reviewing his business schedule on his tablet while his wife and daughter were sitting beside him.

Nobody touched the food; it seems like they were expecting me to show up today.

And as I predicted, baldy put down the tablet after noticing me and chimed, "Good morning son, are you ready for your first day of school?"

'Son? Huh?'

My answer was short; I faintly smirked, only nodding my head, as I uttered an inaudible, "Un,"

Nevertheless, I was looking somewhere else, precisely at the girl looking at me, as I teased her by slightly sliding my lips on the inner edge of my lips .

She reddened, quickly averting her gaze down.

'Heh! Where did yesterday's bravery go now?'

I sat down and ate my food while I kissed my instant parent's asses. Giving them youthful greetings.

"Good morning, lovely mother, Ah! with each day, you Look more glamorous just like a shining jade, such wonder,"; I kindly smiled and shifted my gaze to the old man, "You too, father, you look younger than ever,"

They both patted me on the shoulder and chuckled, enjoying the shameless flattering.

Breakfast ended entirely different than my first one; ugly faces turned to radiant smiles, and silence turned to cackles.

Then after getting up, I brought my stuffed baggage and waited for the family car with Miku.

Apparently, the school only allows students to visit their houses on Wednesdays and Sundays, which meant I would need to stay there for most of the week.

In the span of 10 minutes, the car finally showed up at the entrance.

Before hopping inside of it, I heard foxy speak from the back, "Yami, my boy, don't forget to look after your sister; she tends to be too spoiled at times," his eyes dripping with love.

The corner of my mouth rose to an arc as I turned my head, mumbling in a crooked tone, "Oh, don't worry, I will take care of her very much,"

He didn't detect my eerie tone waving his hands as Miku paid a heartfelt goodbye to her mother.

I wasn't lying, though; I do attend to take care of her, after all, something on her body belongs to me now, and at the end of the day, she's a target.

I was hoping not to get any extra targets before taking control of the ones I have; some mushrooms are edible, but some only once; I can't afford to blow chances.

We rode the car for a long time; the city was excessively crowded in the morning, which delayed our ride for almost an extra 30 minutes.

And finally, after an hour, we reached the building of the Academy.

Peering from the car, a big ornate placard danced over our heads.

[AMS Academy]

Or in other words, "A Massive Shit,"

<P..Plato academy..>

<Never mind>

The most famous school in the whole city, and perhaps the nation, and the reason was relatively easy.

60% of graduates from this luxurious school will get admitted to a top university, which was the highest admission rate in the whole country, and not to mention that for decades, the school never lost rank 1.

As I scattered my gaze around, the gate was crowded with students and their parents, expensive cars, and crying little girls that, for some reason, god granted them the precious tool.

'Sigh, why would a grown man cry for leaving his house for four goddamn days?'

But it was expected; I can feel the spoiled pretentious energy coming from almost every student. Even though the school is prestigious yet, this was over the top.

And in a minute, I saw a boy looking in our direction; he was leaning on a really nice car; however, his gaze completely ghosted me, focusing solely on the goddess beside me.

Furthermore, Most of the males in the area were looking at Miku with gliding eyes.

I chuckled a little bit, feeling proud of my previous achievements; regardless, with time, gazes started to intensify, and I found it overly annoying, which made me call for Miku.

"Quick, move! You're in danger," I said.

"Huh!? Why?"

"Because I will strangle you if you don't,"

Hearing me, she finally had a look around and noticed the stares.

Faintly smirking, she looked at me and reached her hand as she responded, "okay, where do you want us to go?"

I quickly responded, "Oh, aren't you afraid, mister "Admirer" would see us all cute like that?"

Before she can think of anything, I took her hand and went straight inside.

The departments were massively immense; the Academy looked like a futuristic village, with verdant gardens stretching all over the land.

However, a building was the biggest; it was like a grand cinema with a hunders of comfortable seats.

And according to Miku there where the entrance ceremony is taking place.

We were a little bit late, so the vice director already spoke half of what he needed to say.

So we sat in the far back, hearing what remained of the speech.

Minutes went by; the vice-director talked about the school rules that nobody gives a shit about. And then gave the call for the representatives of each grade.

I saw some familiar faces, the group that I met in the tailor shop was sitting in front of us; they looked disinterested and amusingly gossiping with each other.

My third target eye averted towards me for a moment. I winked at her without getting seen by Miku; she laughed again, obviously not taking me serious; nevertheless, Well, see how it will goes for you in the future.

Everything was peaceful till the piano prodigy 'Arima.' showed up behind us. Besides him, a gorgeous looking girl was frowning at me, like I just stole her money.

'Who's this bitch?' I wondered.

<Host, language>

'Who's this beautiful bitch?'

I heard her talk, "Brother, my foot hurt! Can we sit now?"

Arima ignored her, eyes brimming with investment; he tapped Miku's shoulder, greeting her first.

Naturally, he completely missed my existence.

"Hello, Miku,"

'Brother?' I wondered; looking at her captivating beauty, I prayed for god that she wouldn't be a target or I would be in a hellish burnout.

Yet, my prayers weren't heard; the system immediately sounded in my ears after she stepped into his radius.


<Target number 4 has been spotted>

<Does the host want to see her stats?>


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