
Chapter Two

They said goodbye to Toph and her students and took off in the blimp Suki had come in with. Sokka was going to have to get ready in the warrior outfit before they arrived at the palace, so he was enjoying his "manly attire" as much as he could for the time being.

    "So why does he need so many warriors?" Sokka asked, standing next to Suki.

    They were standing in the piloting room, enjoying the scenery below them.

    "Well, Zuko is kind of paranoid about being assassinated right now. So I'm getting more in hopes that it'll calm him down." She explained, her eyes not leaving the window.



    They arrived at Kyoshi island a little while later and Sokka picked up an extra uniform in his size. Oh the memories the garment brought to mind.

    He got dressed in a small room near the end of the ship. After getting dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror and laughed a bit at how he looked.

    "I wonder if Zuko will actually think I'm a girl...," He mused, turning a bit. "I guess I'll have to get used to calling him Firelord though... Firelord Zuko... Firelord Zuko..."

    Another laugh left his lips. He smiled at how ridiculous he sounded. And how psychotic he'd sound to anyone eavesdropping on him. He blushed a bit and then went off to find Suki so she could do his makeup.


    The palace looked the same as the last time he'd been there. The fire sages and a few guards scattered the courtyard, looking up at the air balloon.

    His face was itchy, but he couldn't scratch it because of the makeup. Suki had instructed him on how to do it himself since she wouldn't always be there to do it for him. That was reassuring...


    They walked into the palace, Suki having to continuously wave Sokka away from walking beside her because the Kyoshi warriors weren't necessarily supposed to walk right next to each other. The group of warriors ended in the throne room where a very tired Zuko was sitting on the throne.

    "Firelord," Suki greeted, giving a bow. "I have returned with more warriors."

    "Did you have a safe trip?" Zuko asked softly.

    "Yes. I'm going to let the girls introduce themselves and then we will be going to settle in at our quarters." Suki responded, moving to the side to allow the warriors to step forwards.

    One by one they introduced themselves with a bow. Sokka became more and more anxious the closer his turn got. All it was, was saying his fake name, and bowing.

    He stepped forwards after the last girl said her name. And then gave a bow. He opened his mouth to say his name but then panicked again. Was his voice going to give him away?

    "My name is Meng, it's an honor to serve you, Firelord." Sokka squeaked, his voice cracking a bit.

    Standing up, he saw Zuko nod. Thankfully, the Firelord was way too sleep deprived to be overly suspicious. He held back a breath of relief, moving to stand with the other warriors.

    After all of the girls had introduced themselves, they moved to their quarters. But Suki stopped him at the door, putting a hand to his chest.

    "You can't stay in this room, obviously, so you'll have to take another guest room." She instructed, giving him a warning glance.

    "Ok, is that alright with Zuko?" Sokka asked quietly.

    "Well... He doesn't know. But the chances of him finding out are slim," Suki reasoned, taking her hand off Sokka's chest. "There aren't going to be any guests here for a while, so he won't be going into the guest rooms."

    "Alright... And if he does find out?"

    "I'll come up with something. I promise," Suki reassured him, gesturing to a door and then walking into the warriors chambers. "See you later."

    He stood in the hallway of the palace, looking at the door Suki had just disappeared behind. With a sigh, he tightened his hold on his bag and turned to the room he was supposed to stay in.

    "For Suki... And for Zuko..." He muttered to himself, pushing the door open.

    His hand slipped and his eyes widened at the sight before him.

    Zuko, face down on the floor of the room.




    After the warriors had introduced themselves and left, Zuko felt like he was going to pass out. Signalling the nearest guard, he let them know he was leaving and stood up slowly. His vision got blurry and his balance went off. He stumbled through the hallways and pushed himself into one of the many bedrooms. It was dim, and empty. It hadn't been used for a while.

    He stumbled and fell to the ground, instantly passing out.



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