
LESSON N.º 4: The children of Zeus and Hera

- Do we all know that Zeus is Hera's husband? - His gaze once again examines the expressions of the students of "Do you think we are idiots?". With a smug nod, he writes some names on the board. - Today we will study the familiars of both.

He walks to the center of the class, he says that some students need a moving target to stay focused. That's why he doesn't sit still, that's why he's a teacher who makes me nervous, even though his classes are interesting.

- We'll start with Hera, the woman's protector ...- His hands travel to the first column of the blackboard, he points to the student in the front row, Daughter of Aphrodite. It is said that he is having an affair with her. - Read.

-Giants, Sirens and Jackalope… -She says with narrowed eyes, she needs glasses, but refuses to put them on. I've heard his conversations with other girls, his voice is irritatingly high-pitched and squeaky.

- Does anyone know any of them? - A hand goes up in the center of the class, surprisingly, it's Baek Cho. The professor nods his head, he stands up, brushing the dyed hair away from his face before he begins.

- I know mermaids, my aunt was a Daughter of Hera and ...

- We are not here to listen to your personal life,- The professor cuts off his musings. - Straight to the point.

Baek Cho makes a face, but he shares his knowledge with us.

- There are several types of mermaids, although they all control the water ... - He raises his index finger, then his heart, and finally the ring finger as he enumerates them. - Merrow, they're antisocial and can predict natural disasters and all that. Then there are the Ceasg, they are also antisocial, but they are not good like the Merrows, they destroy everything they see that belongs to the human being or is one ... Oh, and they hide their souls in objects so that we cannot kill them. Lastly, there were the… Ah yes, the Merfolk, who can control sea creatures to their advantage.

- Well, I see that you are not as ignorant as your appearance makes us believe ... - The chorus of laughter does not take long. - Could you explain the giants?

He tilts his head, unsure.

- N-not very well…- He hesitates. - But I can try it…

The teacher's silence makes him start talking to us about the giants.

- There are those who have one eye, which is their only weak point ... They are all protectors and ... They have powers such as creating earthquakes?

- Do you ask or affirm? - Baek Cho shakes at the sharp gaze of the professor.

- I-affirm. - Mr. John curves his lips almost catlike.

-He has explained the Cyclopes to us, well done, but he has not mentioned the Ispolini… although, being extinct, I will let it slip… -My companion sits with a relief typical of having won a war. - This time.

He nods as he can and buries his face in his arms, I know he's listening even though his eyes are closed.

- Finally, we have the Jackalope, rabbits with deer antlers. - Again, laughter echoed between the pastel-painted stone and concrete walls. - Yes, laugh, but I hope you don't get caught off guard, he is as strong as a giant ... or perhaps more, agile and cunning ... Few have survived when this familiar has been assignated to them.

Many swallowed loudly, disgust rose to me with a terrible retch.

- Miss Filleule, - I get up cautiously, it is the first time that he pays attention to my presence in his classes. - I understand that you are passionate about reading, could you explain the relatives of the Children of Zeus?

I calmly sit back, glance out the window, ignore the mocking comment and accompanying laughter.

Another girl gets up, she mentions them in my place.

- Djinn, Dragons and Griffons! - The teacher claps sarcastically.

- Can you explain any of them? - She nods full of energy, she turns for a moment to give me a mocking look, I react when I see her white eyes.

A Daughter of Hermes. That would explain the energy that the gestures emanate from her, the descendants of the messenger and protector God of travelers were like Duracell batteries, their energy never ran out.

- Djinn are geniuses, as in the Aladdin movie, they grant three wishes to their godchildren. - She directs a hand to her chin, then her face lights up again. - The Griffins are creatures with the body of a lion and the head, wings and legs of an eagle ... They are tremendously proud and enormous, their magic is elemental, they control the weather ... Finally, the Drag ...

- Stop! - She looks startled at the teacher. - Dragons are very extensive, I want you to do a thirty page job on them, not one more, not one less, understand?

Murmurs of annoyance and groans contrast with the laughter of just minutes ago. I shrug my shoulders, I know I'm not going to do it, but if I'm going to read someone's… I can probably ask Daniel, he's already in his second year, he's a good student, he must have a good assignment.

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