Knowing that my mate had gone to these lengths to seduce me and do these things was making my dick extra hard. And the fresh wave of arousal and desire that was coursing through me might have sent my Glory running for the hills if she knew how powerful it was.
See, what my Glory didn't seem to understand was that when she took that tea of hers, it affected me as well. I didn't need to drink it to get the effects, although I had probably consumed some residual effects of it when I kissed her, it was the smell that truly caused me to react. When I smelled those particular scents mixed with her already intoxicating scent, it was like someone had just given me a liquid shot of Viagra in my ass. Not that I needed that disgusting chemical compound to be with my mate. I was more than able to respond to her.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: