The 'not quite a party' party lasted until late at night. It was the weekend though, so I didn't care. The kids didn't have school, most people, aside from guards, didn't have work. And we were able to just sit around and do nothing in the morning. I was sure that the bulk of the issues following the incident at the stadium would come on Monday morning, when the week actually started for people.
My plan was to just sit around the tower and pretend that the world didn't exist. I was going to let Vincent, Shawn, Dietrich, Shane, David, and Gabriel take most of the day off as well. They didn't need to come and protect me when I was just sitting around and vegging out with the kids.
They showed up though. Not quite as early as they usually did, but they were still there by eight in the morning. I was awake of course, because Reeselynn was up every couple of hours to be fed. And I was sitting in the living room with Reece when they came in.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: