That whole conversation had only lasted a matter of seconds, but it had accomplished what it needed to. I had regained control of myself and was no longer in danger of letting my wolf, or any of my other animals, out to play.
I knew that I needed to have faith in Odin, and his ability to diffuse the situation. Still, I was a little on edge about everything that was happening. I didn't want to let myself admit that Orson was getting to me, or that I was worried that I might not be enough to stop him.
I would not have doubted myself if it were just me and Orson against each other. Even if it was just me against his entire army. I could hold my own and I wasn't afraid that he was going to hurt me. No, I was afraid for the humans, for Devon and his men, for Reece and my guards. I didn't want to see anyone get hurt, just like Odin had said. I wanted this to end peacefully, and soon.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: