I could see how tired my Little Bunny was. And how unsteady she was on her feet. She had had an exhausting day, one that was still going on even now. And with all of the stuff that we still needed to do it wasn't about to end anytime soon.
Oh, the days would come to an end and a new one would begin, but the exhaustion would persist. And with her being pregnant again, I was worried that all of this was going to get to her and cause problems again. I didn't think that I could handle another scary episode with one of our kids like that. It was always hard to see my Little Bunny in that situation.
I was supporting my Little Bunny as we climbed into the elevator and rode it up to our room. Once we were almost to the top, I swung my Little Bunny up into my arms and cradled her against me as I walked into the room.
"Reece." She protested a little.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: