I swear that I heard my mommy's voice today at dinner. Actually, I know that I did, and I wasn't the only one either. Reagan heard it too. And I think that daddy did. The only one that I am not sure about is Talia.
I thought that Talia had heard her too, but she didn't look excited like Reagan and I had. Daddy hadn't reacted too much, I think he was trying to remain calm for all of us, but his eyes gave it away. There was nothing like that in Talia's eyes though.
Didn't she love Mommy? Didn't she care that something was wrong with Mommy? What was I supposed to do to figure all of this out?
Not to mention, I very clearly remember what she said.
'Mommy isn't here.' Why would she say that? Mommy was right upstairs in her room. Mommy was just sick and sleeping in the bed. She was still here. She wasn't gone.
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