Seven days. A week. One hundred and sixty-eight hours. Ten thousand and eighty minutes. Six hundred and four thousand eight hundred seconds. That was how long it had been since I came home to find my wife comatose. OK, I don't know about the exact second, and I might be off by a minute or two, but everything else is exact.
"Where are you, Trinity? Why aren't you coming home to me? To your family? What are you doing out there?" I knew that asking her these questions was pointless. It wasn't like she could answer them for me right now anyway. Still, it made me feel a little bit better to actually say them out loud.
For this past week I have done everything that I could to keep myself from falling apart. I have been trying to stay strong and calm for the kids. I had even kept it together as best as I could when I spoke to Trinity's family. That had been hard, way harder than I expected it to be. I made it though and it was done.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: