My Little Bunny had been back to the crazy and hectic days again. She was always trying to do too much. Over the last few years, she was always trying to take everything onto her shoulders and do everything by herself. I really don't know why she insisted on doing it all herself instead of asking me or Vincent, or even Gabriel for help.
Things have been getting so much worse for her lately too. For some reason, ever since Gloriana and Valerian, along with the others, came to visit she has been so much worse. It's like something is troubling her, but I can't really tell what it is yet.
And to top it all off, she is so exhausted. Something that has really been bothering me lately. All I could smell on her was that exhaustion. She reeked of it. And I didn't want to sound rude or cruel by pointing it out to her.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: