
Chapter 12- Trinity – More Work To Do (VOLUME 4)




It was now the beginning of August, it was time for me to get back to work, and I had so much to do. I had to find which people to hire as my 'kingdom assistants' and of course that meant that I needed to give my head of security and beta, Vincent, and personal assistant, Gabriel, more work to do.

I didn't have to call either of them to the castle for the meeting. For one, they both had their residences inside the castle. And for two, they both worked closely with me every day. They were just a few of the people that got to see how crazy busy I was almost every second of every day. Maybe they will be happy to hear that I want help from other people.

"Vincent, can you come here for a moment?" I called him over from his position near the back of the room. "You too, Gabriel." The latter of them was standing behind me and had been waiting for instructions.


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