"T..t..take c..c..care of H..H..Hea..Heather a..and th..th..the k..k..kids f..for m..m..me p..pl..ple..please." He was giving up. He was just going to let himself die.
"You haven't completed your job yet, Vincent. You're not done yet. You're supposed to guard me for as long as I am Queen. You're in my Goddess Guard, you can't just quit now." I watched him try to smirk, and I decided to push it just a little further. "I told you if any of you got hurt in this battle that I would kill you. You don't want me to have to do that now do you." He laughed a little at my joke and immediately started to cough, blood flying from his lips and landing on his cheeks.
"Vincent?" Reece called out to him, kneeling next to me. "Don't talk anymore. We're going to fix this. Just hang in there a little longer man."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: