
Trinity - Gabriel’s Return (VOLUME 3)




 The babies were exactly five months old now, it was the first of May, and I couldn't believe how time was flying. They were crawling now too. That had been a show to see them doing that a couple of weeks back. Now they were getting into everything, and we needed to make sure that they were watched constantly. They were also starting to scheme together. When Reagan would grab something that he wasn't supposed to, Rika would make some sort of sound that was aimed at gaining attention. That way, Reagan could get what he wanted. Such a silly little duo they were. I just loved them so much.

Reece was also happy too, since they were able to go a little longer at night before waking up, and I was no longer denying him his private time. I was, however, making him glove it up. I was not going to have another baby so close to the twins being born. That would be crazy and hectic.


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