The day after my little scare with the practice labor, Juniper came to see me. She was nearly as far along as I was, but she didn't have any blood pressure issues, and therefore she wasn't on bed rest. I was actually really jealous of her right now, but I was doing my best to not let it bother me that much. We all have our own struggles in life and right now, this was mine.
"Hey Trin." She came into my room after knocking. She didn't wait for me to tell her to come in, but I had been expecting her, and it was how we usually did things anyway.
"Hey Ju." We used the playful nicknames that had somehow become funny to us when we got pregnant.
"So, how are Reagan and Rika doing today?" She asked me as she sat a bag on my bedside table and leaned in for a very awkward hug. It was only awkward because it was hard for her to lean over me because my belly got in the way of her belly.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: