We spent so much of the day planning for every eventuality that I was mentally exhausted, the problem was, I was so keyed up that my heart was racing a mile a minute. Dinner was a tense time with only me and Reece left in the house. The staff had been dismissed since none of them were fighters and should be sent somewhere safe. I never thought I would hate the quiet this much, but it wasn't just quiet, it was eerie as well. Sinister somehow, as if the silence was channeling my dread, or Edmond himself.
The excess energy had me feeling jittery and unable to sit still. By ten that night Reece had had enough of my frantic pacing and wringing of my hands.
"You need to stop." He finally exploded as he looked at me, a half smile half frown on his face. It was a complicated look, and I wasn't sure how he had pulled it off, but he managed it somehow, and still managed to look sexy doing it.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: