
Chapter 53- Reece - The Battle’s Conclusion (VOLUME 2)




I sat there, with my world crumbling around me. Cradling my mate in my arms as the tears flowed freely down my cheeks. The room around us was somber and quiet. I didn't know what to do for my wife at that moment. 

"I failed you." The words shook as my voice trembled.

"No, it was my fault." She was crying as well, I could feel her shaking in my arms as we held each other. "You told me to not risk it, to stay out of the fight-."

"You listened to me, the fight went to you, you didn't chase it."

While I did my best to get through this most personal of moments in a room full of people, there was another of those maniacal laughs. The laughter was followed by a cold, mirthless voice.

"Aww, did the poor bitch lose her whelp." The laughter that followed was sickeningly sinister. "Guess I accomplished something already."

"You son of a bitch." I snarled.

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