
Chapter 33- Trinity-Unexpected Visitors (VOLUME 2)




The slightly French accented voice brought the conversation to a screeching halt. We all seemingly turned in unison, toward the man who had spoken. There were a dozen people in long black cloaks standing at the far edge of the yard, just under the cover of the trees near the driveway. Their scents were masked by the mass amount of guests as well as the trees. But there still seemed to be something off about their smell.

"We seem to have new guests." Reece's voice was calm and welcoming, but I could also detect a certain amount of anger and leadership mixed in as well. "Who might we have the pleasure of meeting with today?"

"Greetings to you, I am Gabriel Abadie, the Watcher from the Sentinelle, it is a pleasure to meet you, the Consort to the Goddess."

"Can you explain a little more, please? I have never heard of the Sentinelle, and I am most definitely not the consort to the Goddess." 


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