
Chapter 20- Reece-Telling Little Bunny’s Family (VOLUME 2)




My Little Bunny seemed to be happy with the newest development. That was good, as long as she kept herself safe from now on it would continue to be great. And telling Mom and Samuel about the baby went really well. I know it was a bit too soon, but miscarriages aren't common among wolves so we didn't really have much to worry about anyway. I was just happy to continue making my Little Bunny happy.

There was one thing I was not looking forward to, though. And that was telling the rest of her family, specifically my beta. I had a feeling Noah was going to be very mad at me. Nonetheless, I still made plans to see them with her the next day. I still had five days until the vampire showed up, and it was still exactly three weeks until the wedding, so I was not pressed for time.


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