
Chapter 4- Trinity-Who Will Walk Me Down The Aisle? (VOLUME 2)




I knew that I had a decision to make. And there were some important conversations to be had. So, the next day I decided to go visit my grandfather and uncle, with Reece in tow. The benefit to having Reece there was that I didn't need to have a bodyguard with me. I had called Uncle Wesley and asked him to meet us at Grandfather's house, then I left with Reece to meet them.

Grandfather was a bit confused when he saw the two of us coming into the house together. I hadn't been to Grandfather's place in a long time, so it was a little surreal to be there again. I had so many unpleasant memories, but I also knew that what I thought before and what I knew now just didn't match up. I was still just confused about some things in general.

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