It was nine before we were given the all clear for take off. The Liberty 75 Learjet was small and wouldn't fly nearly as fast as a commercial plane, but it was better than having layovers that last hours long. The result was a nearly three hour flight, and with the time change, it was one in the morning when I deplaned and made my way toward my rental car.
I had rented the fastest sports car I could find, and I would be putting it to the test. I raced through the night, across the empty highway. I made the seventy-minute drive in just over forty-five minutes. I pulled into the garage back at home by two in the morning.
I should have been tired, with how late it was and the hectic night, but sleep was the last thing on my mind. I found Vincent and David waiting for me in the kitchen when I went inside.
"Tell me you found something." I begged him.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: