I had thought that dinner would be awkward, what with the tense start and interrupted kiss. But we sat and ate the food he brought with no tension and easy conversation.
"So, why the grease trap for dinner?" I asked him.
"You don't like it?" He seemed surprised.
"I never said that, this is right up my alley. It just doesn't seem like yours"
"Why? Because I'm rich?"
"Obscenely so."
"That's stereotyping, you know that, right?" Reece was joking with me as he wiped his hands on a napkin. The food had been greasy, but delicious, but it just wasn't something I could imagine Reece being into with the high-class food he was probably used to eating.
"I'm not trying to stereotype. But I'm sure you're used to more expensive and upscale foods."
"Do we typically eat that upscale food here?" He was smiling at me like he was enjoying himself.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: