

Walking into Gringott's, I walk to the central Goblin, who is responsible for checking over the keys, and sending someone with the wizard to their vault, I say, "I would like someone to take me to my Vaults."

"Key please." The Goblin says.

I keep the Slytherin, and Aves keys on the table, and he only widens his eyes for a moment, looking at the Slytherin key. He shouts, "Girnar!" And a younger Goblin comes from the side.

"He will take you to your Vaults. You will have half an hour within each Vault. After that, we start charging G1 per hour." The Goblin says, and waves me towards Girnar.

Huh. Girnar was a tea company back home.

Girnar grunts at me, "Follow me." And leads me to the caves. 2 minutes later, I am within the cave systems of Gringott's, where the Vautls are.

Slytherin was the only founder to have a vault here, and that's only because he was a time travelling cunt, who saw that his family had separated into 2 lines, Gaunt and Evanshade, and decided to start a new Slytherin line in the 13th century. His grandson, from that Slytherin line, was the one who established the Vault.

Being one of the first Vaults of Gringott's, Slytherin was very deep. It's not logical, as why would someone put a vault that deep, during the first years? Well, they didn't. Magic.

They established one vault after the other, and using magic, pushed the vaults from before deeper and deeper, as new vaults were added. It is also why the Trust Vaults are so close to the top.

Also, the Vaults which had been established in the first 20 years of Gringott's coming to be, were the only Vaults with no number. Some, don't even have keys, trusting the Goblins to open the door only for them. We all know how that turned out for the Lestranges.

Taking the key, Girnar opens the door to the Slytherin Vault, and goes away. I have half an hour before he comes to pick me up, or I can call him before that.

Walking in, I go towards the shelves holding the books first. I need to find a book that I had taken, but not absorbed yet. Thanks to my Eidetic memory, I find it immediately.

~~Elf Swords- How To Use Them Properly.~~ was a book, written in parselscript, the written language of Parselmouths. You don't read the book. The book reads itself to you, and only Parselmouths can understand it.

Absorbing the book, I directly download it into my mind, gaining the complete knowledge of the swords I was going to pick. The book contained everything that a user might need to know about the swords.

What they can do, how you have to use them, how to fight using them, and how to make sure you don't cut yourself. There was even a section that Salazar II had written, simply for what not to do with the swords.

Funny guy, Salazar's son. He wrote don't stab yourself as the first point.

Once done, I move into the back of the vault, and towards the box hidden by the armour racks. While the armours were interesting, I wasn't going to use them now. It'll be overkill.

Going towards a plain looking wooden box, I press a rune on it, and wait until it glows golden. Once it does, I bleed on the lock, and hiss, ~~Heir of Slytherin Commands you to open~~, and roll my eyes. Slytherins are really dramatic.

(A/N: I'm just having fun making it up as I go lol.)

When the box opens, I immediately widen my eyes, at the sheer beauty of the handle of the sword. Taking one sword in my hand, I pull the sword out of it's scabbard, and simply look at it, marvel at it, and remember the story I'd read in one of the journals I'd taken home before.

Salazar II Slytherin, the son of Salazar Slytherin, had helped a High Elf with some fight, it wasn't clear in the records. So, the High Elf, being thankful, had given him two short swords. Well, short swords for the 8 feet tall Elf, not for the Slytherin. Or me.

The swords, named Othris and Gulthris, had a 2 and a half feet blade each, with half a foot of handle. The handle was golden, and even the blades had intricate golden designs on it. The metal itself was stainless steel, but.. it was way superior than even Goblin's silver.

(A/N: Look up Legolas's Dual Swords, only bigger. His swords are more like daggers. These are bigger than that. No, the Elves will not come here, they have left this Dimension a long time ago. I just wanted the swords, and so I brought them.)

While the steel itself was not superior, it's enchanting was. The Swords were Enchanted by the High Elves themselves, so the user can achieve amazing things with them. I got that, from the book I just absorbed. I had no need of them before, but now, I do.

They could absorb magical spells when you defend with the flat side of the swords, and send those spells back at the opponent through the tip. They can also cut through the spells, if you want to. But, most important of all, the swords can channel magic, to become heavier, sharper, or faster, depending on the runes you put your magic into.

Along with that, there was a rune on the scabbard, that immediately summons the sword back to it when pressed. Also, there was another rune on the box itself, a wizarding Norse rune this time, that called the scabbard back to this box, which is what I'd used before.

I don't know who had these swords before, or if they were buried. I called them to me, and they're mine now.

Unfortunately, there isn't a Elvish Rune book, or I would have already mastered the enchantments. The High Elves had taken everything with them. Probably the swords too, I think. If they come back for them, I'll talk with them and see what happens.

While there were a few other Wizarding swords there, nothing here interested me anymore. So, packing the swords and storing them inside my Mokeskin pouch, 15 minutes after coming inside the Vault, I ring a bell on the door, and wait for Girnar or another Goblin to come pick me up.

Girnar himself comes, half a minute later, and takes me to the Aves Family Vault.

Once in the Aves Vault, I first absorb the Swordsmanship books that were there, and go towards the wall which contained the wall mounted swords, and daggers. Selecting one which looked the best, I place the sword in the Scabbard, and place it in my pouch.

This one was not as special as the Elvish swords, not even close. Made out of Goblin Silver, the Patronus was a blueish tinted sword, made for the Aves Family head some 7 hundred years ago.

Obviously, his children did not return the sword to the Goblin who made it, which is bound to make problems for me later, but I'll deal with it when the time comes. I probably won't even use this sword, but I did take it as a back up.

Patronus, like any other Goblin Silver weapon, could absorb only that which could Strengthen it. Until now, Nundu Venom and Dragon fire, were the only things that the Sword had absorbed, and made it's own. While it wouldn't use the fire, it could make the sword hotter on command, as well as poison anyone I cut it with.

Along with that, I take a set of couple of throwing daggers, made of Goblin Silver. Using telekinesis, these will be the best Weapons around.

Getting some of the money, I ring the bell, and let Girnar take me upstairs. Once outside Gringott's, I walk towards the closest Apparation point, and apparate to the Aves Manor.

"I'm home!" I shout, as soon as I'm in the entrance hall.

"Mistress Dory be in the Library, Master." Tobey says, popping in, and out.

"Thanks, Tobey." I say, and go towards the Library, enjoying the short walk.

Dorea looks up from the book she was reading, and asks, "You're home early. Everything went okay?"

It was just 12 PM right now, and I'd gone out at 8:30.

I shake my head, sit down in a chair next to her, and tell her about my meeting with the King. Dorea clenches her fist, and asks, "Shall I ask Helena to proceed with the plans?"

"No. Wait until the war is over. I don't need any accidents happening during the war, and cause more chaos in Britain." I say, caressing her head.

Dorea nods, and says, "Fine. Now come, I fell asleep early yesterday." Saying that, she pulls me into the shadow, and out into the bedroom.

When the hell did she learn how to do this while human? Well, a question for another time. I have a woman to please.


3 hours later, after lunch and another round of fun, this time with Helena joining us, I go out into the grounds of the Manor, with Helena joining me.

Placing a crystal bucket on the ground, I turn to Helena and say, "Remember. Don't touch the Venom directly. While I'm immune, you're not. At least not yet."

As Helena rolls her eyes, I transform into my Quetzalcoatl form. Blinking a bit, at the changes I feel in my body, I look at it properly. Using Telepathy, I say, 'Can you show me how I look? I feel different.'

Helena nods and gives me access to her vision. If I was a human right now, I would have gasped. My Quetzalcoatl form, had gone through a lot of changes, most due to the Serum, the Vita rays, or the Solheim Energy.

It was the first time since I'd been enhanced that I had transformed, so I was really surprised. My body had more than doubled in size, from my 25 feet, and a foot wide form, to about 60 feet long, and 1.5 feet wide.

And there were a few colour additions of golden, in my eyes, and feathers on my head.

Landing on the ground, I simply take in my changes, and spread my wings to check on them too. There were a few golden and yellow feathers, added to the wings.

Ignoring them for now, I nod at Helena, who picks the crystal bucket using telekinesis. Without waiting, I bite into it, and coax my venom to flow into the bucket. It was.. a weird experience. Not good, but not bad either.

Once the bucket is full, I leave the bucket, and have Helena float it down. Transforming back, I take out the Goblin Silver daggers, and dip them into the Venom for a second.

Taking them out, I store them back in their scabbards, and back into the pouch.

Quetzalcoatl, named after the Aztec God of the same name, are very Venomous. Their venom can cause normal steel to corrode, and even burns human flesh like acid. I'd experimented with it before, so I knew.

The only cures for it, were a paste of powdered Unicorn horn, and the tears of a Phoenix. Thankfully, the Slytherin vault had the golden tears. 4 vials full actually, so I was able to cure Dorea immediately. I, was naturally immune to the venom, being a Quetzalcoatl animagus.

"Well, thanks Helena. Unfortunately, I'll have to go back now." I say, hugging Helena.

"I know. What do I do with this?" Helena asks, pointing at the bucket full of Venom.

Shrugging, I say, "Experiments. Assassination. Anything you want. Quetzalcoatl's are rare outside of India, Egypt, and the Far East. No one will suspect you anyway."

Helena snorts, but nods. Saying my goodbyes, I apparate to the Leaky Cauldron, and take a cab to the Allied HQ. Of course, I first put the daggers, and the Elvish swords in a travelling case I conjured up.


"You really had actual swords?" Stark says, looking at one of the Elvish swords, and picking it up. I've kept Patronus, the Longsword in my pouch for now. I only brought it out of the Vault because it'll look good in my London house.

"Yup." I say, holding on to the daggers, as I don't want anyone to poison themselves.

Falsworth, who has the other sword in his hand, says, "You're a weird guy, Aves. But this is actually amazing."

"What is this made out of?" Stark asks, after cutting himself, proving my point, and sucking his finger.

Shaking my head, I say, "If my ancestors journals are to be believed, Steel. He said, and I quote, 'The High Elf gave me stainless steel swords that can cut through magic.' Whether he was higher than the elf when he wrote it, I have no idea."

Falsworth chuckles, and adds, "Aye. Looks like he could have been high too. But these are amazing. But, they won't go with your Paladin image. I'd hoped you'd have a longsword, or a claymore or something."

Grimacing, I explain, "While I do have a longsword in my house, I don't think it's usable with one hand free. I do need guns too you know."

Falsworth gestures, 'Fair enough' with his face, and keeps the sword back in its holster. Stark too, reluctantly keeps the sword back.

"What are their names?" He asks.

I smirk, and answer, "The one you picked up, is called Cothris, which apparently means Enemy Cutter, and the one that Falsworth played with, is called Gulthris, which means Magic cutter."

Stark whistles, and closing the box, says, "Let's just hope it cuts through whatever energy Hydra weapons use. Now, I'll go work on the Uniforms you two sketched up. Making more work for me, assholes."

I simply chuckle, and take the box containing the two swords to my room. We leave starting the day after tomorrow for our missions.

Hydra, here we come.


A/N: I've taken the swords straight outta LoTR, but simply made them bigger. Short swords are usually only 1.5 feet long, 2 at max. I increased the length, as Mason can handle the weight easily.

Now, before y'all get mad, the long sword can't be swung around in close quarters. It's food when fighting someone else with blades. But when the enemies are using guns, and energy weapons, nope.

Coth= Enemy; Gúl= Magic; ris= cutter in Sindarin. That's where the names came from.

While he could have just said they're normal swords, they were bound to notice their weirdness. So, Mason already told his teammates.

What can they do, and what can't they do?

1. They're tough, very tough, but not Unbreakable. Probably only Uru weapons might harm them, or something like Thanos and the Black Order's weapons. I have no idea what they're made of.

2. They can scratch Vibranium, but not cut through. They won't harm Adamantium much. But Adamantium won't cut through them either.

3. Energy absorption and reflection. Sort of like, "Uchiha Gaeshi." The can absorb any energy attack thrown at them, no matter what, and send it back to the enemy. Except Magic spells like the Crimson bands of Cyttorak, which bind magical beings properly.

4. Summoning. The swords can be summoned like Mjolnir, to anyone who holds the scabbards. But they have to have magic, and know how to summon it properly, which Mason does. This is the feature that the Elf had Enchanted it with.

5. The ancestor who got those swords added another enchantments, this time to the Scabbard, and the box in the vault. Pressing a single rune, amongst many, on the box, will summon the scabbards and if it's within, the swords too. So, no matter where it is, unless the Elves themselves take them back, the swords will always come to the Vault when called. Obviously, if they are melted before they can be summoned, it won't happen.

That's it. Now, lets just assume some ancestor had dropped the swords in a ditch somewhere and forgotten to call them, or the Gaunts had stolen the swords and hidden them somewhere after the Slytherins were all dead. Because I'm not going to introduce someone that comes looking for the swords.


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