
temple 5

I smiled calmly and through the dim light I could see rusi in tears as I tried to take a clearer look of the carriage we are In I noticed my consciousness drifting away ,rusi noticed this and with great difficulty crawled to me in tears I reached out to her cheeks and dried her cheeks and said to her" la takul akhtaa " you are the best thing that ever happened to me asides my family and I pray to God to make us sisters in "alhayat alqadima ,"iinaa ahbk "the last thing was a strong thud that made our carriage stop and I drifted off with noise coming from the clashing of swords smiling to rusi I passed out ,I woke up with a migraine tried moving my hands they were heavy , tried moving my legs they were as heavy as a rock I heard foot steps and I pretend to fall asleep someone stepped in the room but strangely whoever that was was on mask trying to hide his or her identity as the masked one approached me I noticed his hair was silky straight neatly bonded up in a ponytail position picked up my hands felt my pulse dropped my medication and spoke arabic language with gave him or her up because her diction was not sound" asked me to stop pretending to be unconscious I asked where I was but the stranger replied discreetly so as not to give away the sex of his disguise" said I was in safe hands ,I pried more asking him how long have been asleep he said 13 days I was shocked I tried getting up but it proved abortive so I decided to lay back on the bed then I remembered rusi and inquired about her and was told she is fine and has improved more than I as her injury wasn't as intense as mine I pleased to see her but the healer said no ,then I pleased to be moved in to her or her to me ,which the healer said would be put into consideration after taking my medication I felt light I tried to hold on to my consciousness but the more I did the more limp I get I finally gave in to the potion and slept off when I woke up the next day I noticed that I was in a bigger room and another bed beside me in a very low voice I called out "rusi "rusi" the figure on the bed moved my throat started to hurt yet I persisted and was able to give an audible call and I saw the bed move the person on it sat up surprise and behold that was my rusi

πŸ˜„ am sorry for the late updates it's not gonna happen again there will be 3 update in a week now henceforth please try to like ,

please it encourages me to do more

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