
Chapter 41: Teleporting Construct malfunction

The moment he jumped into the portal, the magic construct electrocuted, surprising the rest of the rankers who were gonna use it.

The person whose turn has come to use it thanked the god and his terrified heart couldn't help but tremble, "Thank God, it wasn't me."

"Step back, Step back!" Soldiers came rushing towards the teleportation portal construct which malfunctioned.

They called for inscriptions and mechanics to look at what's wrong with it. A beautiful inscriptionist master soon arrived with a handsome mechanic. They found out that the stabilizer – a substance that look's the same as a Bolt and is used in teleportation portal construct to stabilize spatial wrapping – has loosened out from the construct.

The mechanic was an expert at hammering, sexually and mechanically, he easily solved the problem by hammering the stabilizer back into place.

"Did anyone used it right before the construct busted?" The inscription master asked in deep concern and worry.

If someone is using a teleported and at the very moment its construct burst then they will enter prolonged teleportation and face spatial disturbance both of which were harmful to the body.

"Yeah, we saw a young go inside right before the portal construct buzzed in electricity," the same person who thanked God replied. His heart still hasn't calmed down.

Elizabeth's face fell as the reason for her concern and worry came true. Someone's facing a life and death situation because of them.

"Anyone knows who's it?" she asked.

One of them raised their hand and told them about Marvin. He was Uncle Roger and Marvin has gone to the wilderness with his party to act as bait for magical beasts a lot of time.

They shook their head in sadness as a life might be lost.

"Poor lad, he seemed like a promising young man, must have probably teleported to an unknown point in one of the various Wilderness, the chance of his survival are slim," the mechanic sighed after he heard that Marvin was a ranker who lacked ability.

"Even it's slim, we should hope for the best. Tell some soldiers to be on a lookout around the fortress for a boy named Marvin, if possible then send some scouts to search the Flame wilderness and rescue him once sighted. It was our fault that the boy got into a teleportation accident, if he dies then send condolence to his family along with a handsome compensation," Elizabeth said and she swiftly stepped ran to her car. There were tears in her eyes, another life has been lost because of corruption.

The teleportation which busted didn't seem to have undergone the weekly maintenance, even though the federation provides the cost of maintenance, no doubt it was their fault and corruption that led to the sudden burst in the teleportation portal.


As Marvin jumped into the green portal he felt a tingling sensation rise all over his body, and he found himself in a prolonged teleportation which only meant one thing, the arrival of a spatial disturbance.

The moment he thought of that, the space around him started to warp and displace and his body felt like it was being pressed by a massive force.

Marvin's mind went into shock and his heartbeat accelerated, almost tripling causing searing pain to wash over his body, almost causing him to blackout but he held on to consciousness.

"What the hell," he cursed as blood leaked out of his nose. "Damn it, the portal construct must have busted when I went through it, how long am I going to remain in prolonged teleportation and face spatial disturbance,"

Agony like he had never felt before ran wild within him, as if someone has used a heated dagger to skin his scalp and then poured hot lava on his brain, melting it.

‹The portal construct busted and is unable to send you to the pinpoint location. It will be sending you to flame hell – a red zone even after it's fixed. However, I can help you instantly teleport and put you at least within ten miles of the nearest escape area but I will need 50XP› Noah notified and Marvin felt the concern in its voice.

A red-zone. He didn't know what they were but red represented danger, and it sure as hell is gonna be a dangerous place but Marvin didn't have any other choice. He didn't know how long the construction will take to repair and might even die before the TPC is repaired

He was either to be teleported when the construct is repaired or right away. The choice was the easiest he had ever made.

Without a thought, Marvin instantly agreed with the system request. He had 50 XP left and the system took them all to teleport him to Flame hell.

Spewed out of the darkness, Marvin found himself in a sunny, hot, bright, and filled with life place with no danger, none he saw before he got knocked unconscious by the painful sensation washing over him.

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