
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, this was the name that had placed smiles on countless faces in a time when even a moment of calm was a luxury. Harry had planned to strengthen the base on which this idea was to be manifested. Previously, both the weasley twins had only started their experiments on new products after harry had sponsored them with his winning money from the triwizard tournament and had only one year of trials before they started their business.

With just a thousand galleons they had successfully developed multiple products and gained enough additional funding to buy and start their own shop in the alley. Harry this time had the full force of two noble houses at his disposal and he planned to not only support the twins but help them grow to a level that every magical society in the world had a shop of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. It was a lofty ambition but Harry knew that with adequate support the twins would shine on a global level.

The day after christmas Harry had asked the twins to meet him in an abandoned classroom after lunch. Once in the classroom Harry had asked them to create a product for him that will help him change his facial features to a certain degree, like a metamorphmagus. Harry knew that in this life he was not that close to weasley's and so he cannot just hand over the money and expect them to take it, so he planned to give a few personalised requests himself before nudging them towards branding.

The twins were very surprised that someone had found them capable enough to request something new and not just consider their pranks a means of laughter, but they still were not sure if they themselves had the capability or even the price one would have to spend for a product to be developed, so they were unsure on how much to even ask for even if they accepted the request. They themselves had no additional money which they could spend on developing something and they had no clue how to and how much to ask from Harry.

Harry naturally understood that the start would have a lot of troubles and the twins had not yet went on the path of inventors so they would require every help they could. Harry then came forward on his own and suggested certain measures that he thought can be taken to start the project. Harry had made four steps in consideration of a successful venture with the twins.

first would be a budget of thousand Galleons, as much as their entire budget the first time around, followed by books on all the basics revolving around transfiguration, metamorphmagus, wand movements etc. Harry had already planned that he would not allow them to take the same route of just blind trial and testing but rather have them understand the basis on which they would manifest the product, he was already confident on their creativity but their lack of interest towards regular teaching was the problem.

The next step would be the procuring of any similar or remotely similar charms or products that they were trying to create so that they have a base to build on and not get to much astray. Harry knew that they could not turn to the Hogwarts teachers for many of their doubts as they would try and convince them and their guardians to ditch such things and focus on studies, so he was also going to contact certain masters and have them solve the doubts of twins through correspondence every week.

The twins were very surprised on how detailed Harry's plan was, and how much he was willing to spend for their help so they naturally raised their doubts. Harry explained that though he has the resources he does not have a creative minds when it come to products and thus he would like their help not only in this but future considerations also. Harry even went on to promise that if the twins were successful in making a product which was sustainable to be sold to public and not just the wealthy he would help them get a patent and find sales channels.

The twins thought for a while and then agreed. The deadline was set to be the end of year and the materials and correspondence letters were set to arrive on the day the vacations end. Harry reminded them that he has set up an account in gringott with an extendable withdrawal limit and they are free to research as they like, but he was to be notified when they were going to start the building of the actual product so that they do not only have a good product but also every base understanding of the said product to prevent any future problems.

Harry then wrote a letter to Hermione requesting her to inform the Goblins to make the necessary arrangements and the required fees for the process of acquiring the help of various masters and have everything ready by the time she returns. This was done because he already knew that bad old Dumble's had always kept a tab on his letters, so they had made previous arrangements with the bank where Hermione can have partial control to request things on behalf of harry regarding things that Harry would want as he was not going to correspond with Goblins directly until he was sure Dumble's wouldn't spook out, which is the beginning of the fourth year.

Harry secretly passed many advanced and non british books regarding the required subjects to the weasley twins to study. They did not have any love towards traditional knowledge so harry made sure to provide them with books that had explanations based on a more practical view and vola, just like that the whole of Hogwarts was going to be sent in turmoil after the break when they would see the ever notorious weasley twins with a book in their hand rather than a dungbomb, some were sure that they had seen professor McGonagall silently watching the twins and giving them a smile.

Harry had made sure to correspond with Daphne everyday during the christmas break and it had become a nice relaxing time for Harry from everyday studying and strengthening himself. The day after christmas Harry did talk with Quirrell for the first time when the later had come to see if harry was faring well in the new environment during lunch in the great hall. Harry silently passed the remaining few days of holidays and just like that the christmas break was over and students had returned a day before the classes were to resume.

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