

Unlike his previous life harry was able to get out of going to the zoo on Dudley's birthday by saying that he would go out of the house and return as usual by dinner time. After that Harry kept his head low, stayed in the park until it was evening and returned home. The Dudley's seemed to have not faced the escaped boa incident and instead of a shivering dudleykuns and a cursing mother the hall was filled with laughter from the Dudleys as they were enjoying the cake after their dinner and Dudley was opening his gifts which now numbered at thirty nine.

It has now been a month since his birthday and as usual none of his relatives had bothered to even remember that an eleven year old just as their son was to have his own birthday within a week. Harry though was used to it and thus when he woke up the next day he made sure that he carefully pick the mail and not show it to his relatives so that he could keep it close and write a positive response along with an explanation of how none from his family has ever known magic and if the school could send someone to explain if everything was real.

Harry had planned that he would seem as a clueless boy who was just responding to a letter without much consideration. He was sure that this time he would not need to move half a country on the whims of his uncle to keep him from the magical community. Harry was sure that the reply would surely reach the proper authorities and thus he would wait. He would also be happy to see the confusion on both his relatives and the professor sent to explain these things upon not knowing what to think of the absurd situation.

Harry was happy when he received the letter exactly one week before his birthday so upon returning he first slid it under the door of his cupboard turned room and moved into the hall and carried on with his usual duties. After completing his chores he went to his cupboard, took the letter and replied in positive along with his concerns on the parchment attached to his acceptance letter. As had become usual Harry left the house and proceeded out, today he moved to the local post box and dropped the letter.

Hermione was also very excited today as she knew that a teacher from Hogwarts would come carrying her letter anytime in this week. Harry had informed her that unlike him she was the first witch of her family and that meant that Hogwarts would send someone to introduce her to the wizarding world and also curb any doubts of the parents who were sure to have it tough to wrap their heads around something as absurd as magic.

It was in the middle of the afternoon when the doorbell rang, Hermione excitedly moved to open the door. Standing at the door was a tall middle aged women with sharp features and a pointy hat, such that if she been clueless about the magical community, she would definitely laugh at the attire. The witch gave her a greeting and asked her to call her parents.

Hermione knew that she could not disclose the fact that she was aware of her being a witch so just as a normal girl upon seeing an elder she shouted out to her parents informing them that someone had come to visit. After some brief introductions, the women sat in the hall and informed them of their daughter being a witch, the hidden magical community, Hogwarts etc. The Grangers were just happy knowing that there was a community that would possibly be more welcoming to their otherwise lonely daughter and after a few brief questions they agreed on sending her to Hogwarts.

It did help that the witch that had come to introduce them to the wizarding world was the deputy headmistress of the school their daughter was to attend for the next seven years. Professor McGonagall also informed them that they should be ready tomorrow to visit Diagon Alley so that they could shop for the school necessities for Hermione. As she explained, this was a hidden shopping district in the heart of muggle london, where one could get all things needed in the magical community.

Seeing as the family was not overly hard to convince about a hidden magical community Minerva left satisfied and was ready to move out when she received a message stating that she had to make one more unexpected stop, to one Harry James Potter.

Minerva still clearly remembers the night when the dark lord fell and as the wizarding community was up celebrating there was a young one year old being placed with what she thought were the worst kind of muggles. The boy who lived, that was being celebrated by the whole nation was to be dropped of in the muggle world for his own safety, but as far as she remembered Dumbledore had told her that he had written everything about the young boy in a letter to his relatives and he should already know of the magical community and she should have no reason to introduce him.

Minerva still made her way to 4 Privet Drive, Surrey. A place where she had left the hope of wizarding world ten years ago. Minerva was expecting a joyful Harry who had been loved all his life but when she reached the door and knocked what greeted her was a weak and frail boy wearing oversized tattered clothing, somewhat similar to a houself, with a distinctive scar on his forehead. With confusion on her face and anger bubbling in her heart she asked the boy to call the adults of the house.

The boy who was naturally Harry had made minnie wash away the charms on him and started wearing his normal clothes as he knew someone was to come after his letter. He was happy that it was Professor McGonagall as she was one of the kindest witch he had known. He nodded without speaking and entered the house to call for his uncle who was enjoying his evening tea. His uncle dismissed him and proceeded towards the door but as soon as he saw the oddly dressed women he had a look of realization and he practically ran to the door and shut it while informing everyone to never associate with the women by the door.

McGonagall instantly understood why the young harry seemed to need a guide to the magical world. These vile relatives have naturally taken away his childhood along with keeping him from his heritage. All she wanted at this point was blast through the door and vent the anger in her at the man who was Harry's uncle, but she remembered that dumbledore had said that this house and his relatives were necessary in providing the boy safety.

She unlocked the door entered the house and sat on the sofa while immobilising the family of three and gesturing the young Harry to come beside her. The young boy seemed terrified of her power but still managed to sit next to her. She then proceeded to inform him of his heritage and magic. The various expressions on the boy's face were amusing to look at as he was being told about everything.

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