

"Nixel," Erold hummed his name, hugging this big stuff toy to his chest while the rays of the sun shines brightly, illuminating the rooms inside Nixel's suite.

Nixel didn't respond because he was too busy preparing his and Erold's breakfast for that morning.

Erold placed his chin over the arm rest of the couch, glancing at Nixel's broad shoulder as the lace of the robe perfectly hugs the noiret's waist.

"Are you sure, you're not going to go to work today?" Erold asked, pouting at other man with his voice being muffled by the sizzling of the food on the pan.

Erold watched Nixel for a few more moments before he starts putting the dish on the table in front of Erold. As he was finishing his preparations, he kissed the brunet's forehead and sits beside him.

"What? You don't want me here?" Nixel teases Erold before sipping his coffee, putting his arms over Erold's shoulder, caressing the brunet's hair.

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