
Chapter 364

She closed her eyes when she reached the chorus and sang with even more emotion:

"The human being is flawed~

Today I myself have failed~

No one is born knowing~

So let me try~!

The man who had nothing~

Had Marisete, Maria Flor, Marina, Mário~

The youngest was 9, the next 12, another 17~

And the 40-year-old was always his greatest love~

The man who had nothing had a problem~

The day before, his electricity was cut off~

He climbed the pole, made his scheme~

And later, he asked Jesus for help~

The man who had nothing continued his journey~

The same path, the same time, but it was different~

He called home to say he loved his family~

I think there he already sensed what was coming~

The man who had nothing~

Met another man who had nothing~

But this one had a knife~

He wanted the little he had, which was nothing~

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