
Chapter 80: Contract time

She didn't want to kill him, he would've been a good ally to have if only he wasn't trying to dig into her business. Her tears threaten to spill again but she steeled her heart to ask him a question. "Eric can you run my human farm?" she asked slowly, the prince looked at her in shock "Human farm?!" his shock quickly became disgusted "No way in hell I'll help you eat those humans!" he exclaimed in a fury with a boiling red face.

She sighed in annoyance "then I'll summon a different spirit that ain't as kind as you are" she murmured in content "well you could've given those artificial humans a good life despite them dying at a tender age" she commented.

She raised her hands and prepared to summon another circle for another undead servant.

"W-wait, at what age are they going to die?" the prince fumbled over his words unwanting to return to the dark space he was in before.

Dyllis's lips quirked up slightly almost barely noticeable "They die at the age of 25, which is 25 hours in this world time" Dyllis explained. Prince Eric had a thoughtful look on his face "Fine since they have a shot at life for 25 years in your human farm" he agreed reluctantly.

Dyllis's lips finally curved into a full-sized grin "Perfect, then please sign this contract!" a blue screen popped up, the ex-human prince staring dumbfoundedly at the blue screen. He stiffly moved his hand to the blue screen and wrote his signatures onto the contract after reading it thoroughly.


"Host has successfully formed a contract with a medium grade undead servant, Host may enter and exit the human farm whenever desired" the words on the screen in front of her stated. Dyllis waved goodbye to eric who helplessly enter the human farming settlement without a word and started his duty.

The cannibal stretched her limbs as she walked, preparing for her journey to a bigger town. With a sickening crack, she sprinted for three hours straight till she reached the town gate with a fake look of fugitive. The guards raised their swords at her in alarm, "Humans please don't hold on what I am going to do against me" she spoke in a sickling sweet voice.

She charged at them at a slow paste and instantly killed them, a loud siren went off "All citizens please enter the bunker, a humanoid monster has appeared" A deep voice rang out through the threshold. Magic circles appeared above the wall with tens of mages chanting spells.

The wendigo shaman grinned and conjured up her own spell, a black abyss appeared right behind the shaman, the black sludge propelled itself onto the wall where the mages all stood. It seemed pretty harmless until black tentacles grabbed ahold of the mage's ankles and dragged them inside the black gooey substance.

Lighting and fire magic hit the shaman head-on or so they thought, the murderous girl climbed up the walls like a demented demon spawn, scaring the living daylights out of the mages. They realized not even a single scratch of damage had befallen her.

In the next second, she slaughtered the mages before the guards could react to save them "This was fun while it lasted humans" She stated and killed the rest of the human guards without a second thought and stored away their bodies to eat for later.

Screams of anguish and terror echo throughout the hold, the regular citizens shook in fear inside the town bunker, soon enough the screams have stopped "Is it over?" one of the citizens asked in a whisper to the person next to them.

The siren that was blaring came to a halt as if to say the danger had passed, unbeknownst to them a group of wendigos eagerly awaited for them to come out. The shaman with baby blue hair walked up to the magical bunker with blood cover small tag hanging onto a fake silver chain.

She inserted the small chip with a satisfying beep, the large door slowly open revealing the scared human citizens. "Hello humans, your town has been taken over and will have no assistance from the crown. Our beloved leader will soon take over the capital" The wendigos spoke in union with terrifying smiles that stretched up to ears.

'This town will be a pretty profitable plus, we will keep on sending reports of the town back to the crown as if nothing is wrong' she thought cheerily as she strutted through the streets, despite her limited knowledge of this era and world she had figure out a few things on her own. The wendigos escorted all of the humans back into their homes.

Dyllis walked into the mayor's house where a cowardly old man sat shaking like a leaf "Elder how come you haven't tried to escape yet?" she snarled at the fragile-looking old man. "I-I have seen what happens when you try to escape" he stuttered out, his fear-filled the whole room.

The wendigo shaman sat in a chair across the old man with a sickening smirk gracing her horrific features "Do you know why you haven't been turned into a buffet yet?" she leaned forward and place both hands under her chin.

"W-why has the great one spare l-little old me?" he uttered out forcefully as beads of sweat drip off of his chin. Filled with glee she grab a hold of the old mayor's face gently not wanting him to break so easily "I need you of course and your pretty wife will join us in a second" the scarred-up young lady commented backhandedly.

His eyes widen up in horror "No- please don't hurt her-" he pleaded for mercy. She sighed in contempt "Who says I am the one who will be hurting her?" she let go of his old wrinkly face and playfully booped his nose.

The old man hunched over and started screaming in pain, blood and bones pushed themselves out of his body, and his skin turn light gray with a few wrinkles here and there. An older woman with gray hair hurriedly walked into the office and came to her husband's aid "What did they do to you belove!?" she exclaimed in horror as a few minutes passed when his eyes flutter open revealing his empty eyeballs.

He let out a ferocious growled and attacked his wife, He ripped and tore the flesh off of her body. Her shrill screams filled the whole mayor estate, the blue hair young lady left the two love birds alone 'At least she will forever be with him her eyes started to drip as guilt crawled up from the pit of her stomach.

A lady blue in every way approach the wendigo shaman and gave her a hug "Tobca, I thought you were busy over in ashes town?" the shaman expressed her astonishment. The water fae backed out of the hug with a smile "I missed you, I had to see you again my love" The water fae really knew how to pull Dyllis's heartstrings.

Sorry for the long wait, I was bedridden for a while. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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