
Chapter 67: The reason

"Did they leave the forest yet?" The blue-haired Wendigo asked the water fae princess. A thoughtful expression graced her pale blue face "They have yet to leave according to the reports" Tobca reply in a thoughtful tone, tapping a pale blue finger onto her chin. Dyllis started humming a small tune, her lips curled upwards revealing her needle-like teeth "what are you up to this time Dyllis?" Tobca asked Slightly curious, Dyllis's smile widen till it reached her ears "I am gonna see what they are up to ~" the Wendigo reply in a sing-song voice.

Before she left Dyllis gave a peck to Tobca on the cheek feeling too shy to kiss her on the lips in front of everyone. Even the mighty wendigo shaman who could upturn a whole fortress could even feel shy. "Don't die for good" the water fae whispered watching her partner slowly walk away from her sight. Dyllis switched into her human form with a crack, her height returned to 5'7" and her beautiful wavy baby blue hair swayed gently in the spring breeze.

She smiled brightly using her strong sense of smell to track down the groups of humans inside the forest. A good thirty minutes passed when she finally found a group of twenty adventurers judging by how they dressed but then again she could be wrong. They notice her immediately once she was forty feet away from the party of humans. The wendigo shaman kept on strutting towards them with booming with confidence, sparkles seemed to ooze around her frame showcasing her beauty "Hello fellow adventures, may I ask why you are all in the forest today?" she asked sweetly.

They eyed her from head to toe in suspicion "You didn't receive the notice a few months ago young lady?" A man with shark-like features spoke up feeling her presence is abnormal. The blue hair young lady tilted her head to the side, Furrowing her brows with a look of confusion "Is it something widely known?" she asked looking genuinely lost. The adventurer's sighed, the shark feature man started to speak more "a few months ago there was a notice of a suspicious large group of people who had entered the forest and never came back out after two months" He explained slowly, glancing at her face now and then" he inhaled a breath of fresh air before continuing.

The wendigo shaman's expression turn into that of shock, her beautiful purple eyes widened and her eyebrows slightly lifted. Dyllis let a look of wonder on her face "some party's like ours are searching for them to see if they came to an unfortunate ending and if they did we will give their bodies back to their respective families" he explained their mission. Dyllis's eyes shone with fake admiration.

"I think I saw the suspicious group of people in here a few months back" Dyllis spoke in a soft tone, this caught all of the adventurer's attention "Where did you see them last?" the shark feature-looking human spoke urgently, she laughed inside. Desperate people will believe in anything if there is hope. Dyllis put a light brown hand to her head-scratching it a bit contemplating "I can show you the place I last saw them" Wendigo spoke with uncertainty laced in her voice.

'They are all around C rank, shouldn't be a problem for me if push comes to shove, they have yet to done me any wrong plus I don't feel insanely hungry' she thought casually, there was a good majority of individuals who refused to follow her leaving her with only eight people to bring them to the last sighting she "saw the large group" Dyllis had already informed her Wendigos through there connected minds allowing her to give orders or freely commute with her clan members if she was close enough to them.

'Leave traces of battle taking place in gemstone cavern, Don't forget to leave bodies of dead monsters going deeper. And finally, place one of the dark fruit at the deepest part of that cavern' she commands immediately not wasting a heartbeat. She took her sweet time to the cavern covered by large plants "Here is where I saw them last" she stated nervously. The shark-looking human eyes her again "What were you doing over here a few months ago?" something about the beauty that can cause whole countries to collapse with her looks alone bothers his sixth sense.

"I was hunting" the baby blue hair girl stated with a deadpan look like it was the most obvious thing ever. With that, she turned her back to them completing her original goal. She never looked back, a lone person follow her from above in the trees. It doesn't matter to Dyllis if they follow her or not. A good amount of time passed by, she hunted a few ferocious magical beasts. She currently sat on a large rock and started to skin the beast with a skilled hand not making a single mistake.

"Are you just going to stare all day?" she spoke loud and clearly towards the tree in front of her, a woman with sharp feature's poked her head out from behind a huge branch. "How did you know that I was following you?" she asked Slightly curious, Dyllis gave her a night smile "You reak to high heaven" she stated in a cheerful tune. The other woman looked upon Dyllis in bafflement "I do not stink that bad" she murmured to herself trying to deny. The other woman smelled her armour and proceed to scrunch up her face into disgust "Your right, I do stink that horrible" her eyes started watering.

Dyllis laughed at the other woman's misfortune "Can you tell me why you're following me?" Dyllis's once playful features turned into a scowl real quick as her voice sounded more stern.

"You look suspicious" the woman stated boldly, Dyllis raised her eyebrows "What can't a girl go hunting in her own home?" Dyllis openly looked at the other with loathing "You live here?" The sharp feature's woman asked with a raised eyebrow, the wendigo scoff "of course I live here, if I lived in the nearby village the whole town would have been talking about me" the Wendigo shaman pointed out to the other.

System Menu

Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Medium-Grade Wendigo)

Level: 41


Strength: B

Speed: B-

Defence: B+

Magic Pool: (B+)

Luck: E-

Attribute: Dark magic

System points: 7,013

Skills: Great Sense of Smell (max), Slash (max), Bite(max), Mimic(max), Wendigo Fever(Max), Body advancement lvl2, Fist fighting lvl2, Abyss Hand, Abyss Cloak, Curse Slime, Consume Soul (Active), Projector.

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