
Chapter 65: Tobca meeting with the first prince

Clack! Clack! Clack!

White heels clicked clack across the marble flooring, a blue haired goddess wearing a white and pink sari; her midnight blue hair tied up into a fishtail braid. She stopped right outside the prayer room, she took off her heels and place them in the row that has already formed, every morning they will attend the mass.

After attending mass she would go to breakfast with the rest of her family, at that table that morning her father the king of the summer fae kingdom drop a hugged bombshell on her head "Tobca you will be wed to the crown prince of the winter fae kingdom" his voice boomed with authority. Tobca dropped her fork with a clank and slammed her hands on the table "I refused, if you haven't forgotten I am half human father. Why would the winter fae accept me as one of their own" Her anger roared like a raging river, not wanting to get wed to some cold statue.

Her father busted out laughing "That's the funny thing young Tobca the king of the winter fae request your marriage to his son" he smiled like a Chester cat. She scowled "You just can't wait to get rid of me huh?" she mocked him, the wine in their glasses acted like their was no gravity holding them down and floated into a ball of crisom wine. Her father scoff at his daughter "If only I wasn't poison that night I wouldn't have to have bed that woman" he snarled remembering Tobca mother with distain.

Tobca stab a golden fork into the table her anger surrowing "Don't you dare talk bad about my mother and if you haven't forgotten I'm the reason why our people don't live in poverty anymore!" she exclaimed in extreme anger. The summer fae king face turned dark "You are dismissed, we will talk later" he stated not giving her a second glance tired of aguring with his daughter. She let out a breath of air once she exited the dinning hall, she massured her tamples feeling agitated. It wasn't like her to bare her fangs at other she usually was quite the reserved young noble fae lady. She knew that she was growing older but she had never felt attracted to men, luckily for her the fae society accepted gay/lesbians fae's they didn't care as long as there is a heir to the throne.


The midnight blue hair goddess sighed 'If only they didn't hate my mother so much, she was the only human that I knew but she is a good mother' she thought fondly of her late deceased mother. She regain her composure and stride to her studies to work on general matters. Later that day she had a surprise visit by her fiance, knock knock. Not even looking up she mumbled "come in" she proceeded to read over papers about the problems with the civilians then proceeded to write answer that would almost certainly solve the manner. The door open with a click, a low but charming voice spoke with a noble aura "Hello my dear" she freezes up finally removing her eyes off of the documents.


White short hair with pale blue slanted eyes making him look like a fox, he wore light blue clothing that compleintmented his pale skin tone, he wore a gentle smile, his eyes held a hint of blood lust. "Your not bad looking" she murmured to herself, while she openly eyes him with restraint 'Even though he is as beautiful as a diamond, he is as fake as it comes' she thought to herself, reading his body language expertly.

A small smile grace her blue lips "What can I do for the first frost of the winter fae kingdom?" she asked her full attention on him. He looked away from her "I wanted to see what my future queen looks like" he spoke shyly, she raised an brow at his antics "Who says I will willingly marry you" she smiled brightly showing her pearly white teeth at him, he looked back at her with a look of amusement. He stride to the chair in front of her desk and took a seat crossing her legs.

"You are my only ticket to become king of the fae kingdom" his eyes unveiled his bloodlust and his smile widen to his ears showing off his pointy teeth that would grind meat of any poor soul. Tobca smiled warmly at him "Why should I care?" she place a hand under her chin mocking him with her shiny black orbs that glitters like black diamonds.

"You may call me Yukiharu, can I call you Tobca?" he spoke politely, she scoffed at him "you may refer to me as lady Tobca, Yukiharu" she stated calmly not letting this winter fae asshat get under her skin "Lady Tobca, I will enjoy the show that you will put on tonight" Yukiharu stated firmly before leaving her office letting her to get back to work.

That night she had gotten ready, she dressed up in excotied clothing that reveal her belly button, the pants that she wore his her legs perfectly and the crop top black in colour had a gray see through Shaw that's reached just below her belly button. She had a red jewel dingling on her forehead, she had a piece of cloth hiding her lower face. She quickly made her way to the dining hall, the musicians waited patiently for her to get ready.

Drum! drum! drum!

They started playing the drums and tambourine. She danced gracefully like a swan, moving along with the beat, it was a lively atmosphere. She noticed how Yukiharu was looking at her, it wasn't the look of lust at all. His gaze held appreciation at her performance.

That was when Tobca woke up cover in a cold sweat, she looked over at the sleeping wendigo with a gentle smile "You wouldn't toss me aside right Dyllis?" she questioned the sleep cannibal who snored softly, nuzzling her face into the water fae bosom.

The summer fae's culture are base off of India and the winter fae is base off of Japan culture. And I may or may not make a book related to the fae kingdoms.

Here is the first time that Tobca met the ice Prince also known as Yukiharu, yay I finally put a name to his pretty face. (≧▽≦)

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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