
Chapter 46 multibear

A deafening roar caused the who forest to become chaos, a silhouette standing by themselves breathing unsteady as their chest heave up and down. They kept their fist by their upper chest at all times prepared for another onslaught.

They looked similar to a boxer who had a few years of fighting experience under their belt. Multiple bear-like beings scatter around her motionless as blood decorated the battlefield.

A layer of dark magic covered her hands and feet enchanting their ability by a whole leap. This said person felt extremely tired from the endless waves of all different bear types that's they had found when in the first place they were looking for one bear species.

Looking at the corpses below them only one thought came to mind "How am I gonna bring all of them back?" she heaved as sweat dripped off their forehead and onto the soaked battlefield. She took one step forward as she felt her legs quiver from the slight movement.

She desperately wanted to lay down but the foe before her didn't allow that. The multibear let out grunts of satisfaction as they saw how worn down the human-looking being was. Even though her body was going through hell she smiled Wickedly.

"Thanks to your friends I got so much exp!" The bloody silhouette exclaimed, windows kept on popping up as the system struggle to keep up as it had started counting all the exp she had gained.

Wounds all over her body rapidly healed up as hunger surge forward like an angry mother-in-law. Dyllis took a leg from her food storage as she tears it apart filling up a slight bit of her hunger but it was enough to keep her sane.

Dyllis's previous beautiful baby blue hair was dyed in brown as the blood dried up. Dyllis mocked the bear by letting out a monster like a growl "rrrrggghhh" the bear charge overusing quick speed as the multiple bear heads roared.

Dyllis gauntlets of gluttony shined brightly hungry for the multibear core, the previous bears before had their cores consume by the gauntlet of gluttony.

Dyllis released her aura onto the multibear it had started to slow down by a notch. Dyllis used this priceless moment to thrust her claws into its eyes immediately Roar out in pure agony, the bear clawed at Dyllis lower body which sent almost completely unaffected as her natural tough skin became almost completely Immune.

It blocked most of the bear's brutal attacks as she dug her hand around its brain looking for something as her gauntlets finally shined as she found what she was looking for, a brownish-green colour core appeared in her beautiful gauntlet.

The bear body had finally stopped moving around, the main behead didn't move a single centimetre while the other heads roared out in pure sorrow. Dyllis plucked the rest of the cores from the multibear heads, they had the same brownish-green shine as the orb looked smaller than the rest.

The gauntlets of gluttony devoured all of the cores with Dyllis's permission as its power grew increasing attack damage. Her legs gave way as she suddenly collapses onto the bloody earth. She felt her consciousness fading but she forces herself to stay awake as she tried to skin the multi bear coat of fur off.

It was all for nought as she couldn't keep on avoiding the fugitive she felt as her muscles spam and her bones ache. Dyllis soon lost consciousness and enter a deep sleep as she slept monster hordes came by and fought with each other while completely ignoring Dyllis carcass that peacefully slept. Dyllis Aura smelled of rotting flesh even if one did take interest in her corpse they would feel nauseated just by being near her.

A few days passed by as the monster hordes continue fighting against each other until eventually, one very injured monster remained, it staggered as it moves forwards to grab a bite from one of the many bears that had started to go bad but it didn't mind as it needed to replenish its strength.

Unknown to this creature another being was Targeting it unguarded back, it let out a squeal of pain as it looked behind to see a humanoid figure digging their claws into its back before it could do anything else it felt one of their important organs exploded.

Dyllis dug her gauntlets out of its organs "Damn demon pig!" she cursed the monster before her before going into a calm state as she walked back to the multibear to finished skinning it when she was done she skin a few more and gutted a few. She put the first away into her inventory and tried to put the meat in there as well.

Error… error… animal meat detected, warning host, cannot put animal meat or carcasses inside the inventory. If the host wants to store away animal meat or caresses, it is suggested to use a shop to buy a space storage necklace. Dyllis's eyes widen at the sudden explanation before opening up the shop menu to look for this storage device.

Storage space necklace: 300 sp (system points)

Dyllis thought about it for a moment before making the purchase "well it is worth it if I can make more money off of them" Dyllis spoke thoughtfully, The necklace fell from the sky and landed in her palm, now that Dyllis got to see the item is looked quite pretty. The necklace is in the shape of the planet Saturn, outline with gold as little gems in different shades of blue and purple decorated the cute necklace along with a few white gems.

Dyllis was about to ask the system a question but before she could a screen pop up in front of her eyes.

Storage space necklace (random)

The Saturn storage necklace can hold a whole world's worth of items for example earth has over 8 billion humans existing and all of the animals in a world were combined you would get over 1 Trillion Worth of storage space. The Saturn storage necklace would have 2.5 trillion worth of storage space, have fun trying to fill up such a huge place host…

How to work the space Saturn necklace just input mana to bind the necklace to you and if you lose it you will feel a connection towards the necklace, this will also prevent others from stealing your items. Just look at the items and say or think 'put in storage' and the item will go into your necklace.

She closed the window and did as instructed, she looked at all of the items before her "put in storage" she felt kinda silly for saying it out loud but in a blink of an eye all of the corpses before her had disappeared.

"Calculating process is finished host has collected 15,709 exp. Reminder all exp from monsters goes into exp Hoarder storage. The host can't use this exp to level up." Dyllis jump at the sudden input of the voice of the system "unholy mother of all devils!" she cursed at the system for spooking her.

The system stayed quiet not making a single comment on Dyllis's wordplay, The wendigo started heading back to the adventure guild as she didn't know how much time had passed while she was out. Earlier she took notice of all of the newer dead monsters that litter the ground, since they smelled more fresh she could get better money for them.

As the adventure guild has to do with fighting monsters and getting certain items from them she thought naturally she would be able to sell the products she had got naturally. A few hours passed by as she finally made it to the edge of the words which is close to the city she put her mask of many beauty's on as she limps her way over to the gate to put up a show.

Did you guys miss me?

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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