
Chapter 23: A successful hunt?

In a bathhouse that was somewhere in the big city, Dyllis sat in the warm water that smelled of Villa, a few other ladies were also in the public bath relaxing. Tobca was getting a few stares because of her unique looks. While Dyllis had to keep her mask on so that she wouldn't get ridiculed and possibly get a bounty on her head because of her monster-like features.

Some of the ladies were uncomfortable with Tobca presence but Tobca being Tobca she absorbs all of their fear. Dyllis didn't take their glances at Tobca kindly feeling protective over the older woman, Tobca herself felt slight jealously when one of the other girls tried to pull the cannibal away from her.

All the other ladies stayed on the other half of the outdoor bath, Tobca played with Dyllis Blue locks of hair, if this were an anime there would definitely be flowers with a sparkly background! This was quite the sight to see between the two very rarely would they be lovey-dovey with each other.

Dyllis grabs one of the water fae light blue hands and laid a kiss on top of her palm, this warmed up her cold heart. Tobca could care less if she did the same thing but without the mask, in fact, she would have already start gushing about how cute the younger female was acting.

Before they came to the bathhouse they were out fighting slimes, the result was them being covered in slime goo, the goo attracted a lot of interesting monsters. A big pink see-through slime monster appeared while they were killing its children, before they both knew it they were inside the pink slime stomach.

Their clothing slowly dissolved which made both parties flustered, The Cannibal's face turned many shades darker seeing the sight before her. Tobca face burned purple in embarrassment, at that moment the whole giant pink slime turned into ice incasing Both lovers.

Bewhiled Dyllis forcibly broke her way out of the ice with great difficulty, fighting the two of them put away their cloaks so that they couldn't get ruin by the pink slime acid. The rest is history from there, could they have just used Tobca water magic to clean themselves up?

Possibly, Dyllis and Tobca continue their bath in the hot spring, that's when Tobca notices deep scars on Dyllis upper back, she started to shake in anger, The younger female looked at the older one with an innocent smile. Dyllis turned around and grab Tobca face with both hands and kisses her on the forehead.

Tobca looked at the cannibal still feeling a bit guilty about what Dyllis had been through 'If only I could have helped her' Thought the fae. Dyllis and Tobca left the public bathhouse with clean clothing that they have bought earlier that day. The pink sky quickly turned dark as the orange spear in the sky went to sleep.

A red sphere poked out from the other side greeting everyone in its wake, it was a blood-red moon this gave everyone a chilly feeling looking at that full blood moon that slowly raises. Two figures jumped from roof to roof with great algerity, they took very light steps not wanting to make too much noise as they headed towards their target home.

The two figures in black slow down, staying out of sight from the guard's view, before coming here they both agreed to knock out the guards because there was no need for unnecessary bloodshed. The couple may be monster's but they still have some sympathy for the awful humans. One by one they took out guards swiftly and quickly not once revealing their location.

They hid the guard's bodies in a shed so that they wouldn't get found too quickly, Sticking to the hedges they travelled all the way to a side of a house where a window was left open. Dyllis scaled her way up using her sharp nails, while Tobca just flew up and into the house.

Tobca sneaked off inside the mansion, looking through every door for her target location, she evaded guards like the plague. Dyllis slowly climbed her way inside and checked the rooms as well hoping it was her target chambers.

Dyllis heard a door open and closed, taking a peek at a man in fine robes, he was looking her way and looks like to have spotted her but before Dyllis could do anything the man smiled, he mouth a few words to her before turning away, heading into another room down the hall.

Dyllis furrows her brows as she remembers what he mouth to her, the cannibal quickly made her way to the third door on the left, she put her ear against the door listening intently. A light snore sound came from this room, so she opens the door slowly and shut it behind her once she was in.

A young girl was peacefully asleep in a purple bed, that had multiple pillows on the bed and one big fluffy blanket that was also in the colour purple. She moved the blanket down a bit and aim towards near the center of her chest. She plunges her hand through her chest and grips her heart.

A gasp of air came out of the once sleeping girl's mouth, her eyes wide open. She frantically looks around in horror as Dyllis pulls her beating heart, Dyllis other hand covered her mouth before a signal sound came out of that foul mouth of hers.

'You should have been more mindful' she thought towards the girl that is quickly losing life as she had started to quickly lose her strength. She only had a few more minutes left to live before dying completely, she fought quite hard as her eyes were filled with tears. The wide-eyed young miss stared at the disfigured face of the lady before her.

Only one thought came to her mind 'Monster they are a monster' her body became rigid not moving a signal inch. Dyllis took her hand off the now-dead girl's mouth, she then put the heart in the food bank. Dyllis walked over to a bowl of water and washed her hands.

Her stomach growled in protest wanting her to eat the girl, after that she took a fist-sized box and summoned the heart again through her food storage. It landed in the box and all she had to do was wrap it up nicely and leave it on the bedside table.

She put the fist-size box on the bedside table right next to a book.

Sorry that this took so long to come out, I have been quite busy lately.

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts
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