
Ruins of Civilization

I can officially say that I do in fact need sleep. I have spent the entire night and morning looking around the lake and I started yawning when the sun came up. I was able to kill a few of those fish men like creatures which netted me a level up and an increase in one of my skill levels as well. I did not come away unscathed though I got my first battle scars and they hurt. A spear to my right thigh and then a big gash on my face below my eye (luckily). Once I leveled up the wounds closed and healed over but a scar was left in both spots.

On another note, the geography of this lake is interesting. For one thing there is a river flowing in the direction of my mound off to the side far from where I first stepped out of the forest to the lake. I was going to follow it down stream but decided against it. There was no inflow to the lake though which made me think "how is the river running out so deep and fast flowing? There is no decline." Well, it does not really matter to me.

I was able to confirm multiple locations of the death turtles in the lake. The reason being was the lack of fisheyes in large circles near or farther from the bank. One of those behemoths breached the surface with 4 of those fish guys in its jaws and sliced right through them. It was a site to behold but I decided to bolt after seeing it do that cause it began to head for shore immediately in my direction.

I am still not going to sleep I want to explore more because it just so happens that I found another path on the opposite side of the lake (it exactly aligns with the original path I came from by the way) and this one has broken stone as well as little overgrowth covering it. Just the thought of what I might find interests me. New creatures, different flora, another of my kind perhaps, maybe even people? I will just have to go and see wont I.


It did not take me much time to get to the cobbled path. Nothing got in my way as I went on my way. All those eyes on the surface of the water are no longer there, I bet they are all predominantly nocturnal. I have not been around the lake long enough to really see their habits, but I do like to guess. Alright enough lake business I am here for what lays at the end of this path.

As I began along the path, I tried to take notice of anything out of the ordinary, something like an old decaying signpost or side branching paths. If there were any around, I would try to keep note of it the best I could to investigate later. A signpost would do me no good though, it's not like I can read this worlds language. Also, any post would be decayed and mulched by now as well.

Anyway, about 30 minutes down this path and I start to see more of the sun come through the high tree line. It's not that the trees are getting sparser it's that a lot of trees are strait up husks. No leaves on branches, no life to be seen on the ground either. Well, there are some green patches if you were to look around but otherwise it looks like something came and sucked all the color out of this section of the woods.

On the bright side of things, I can see the path and surrounding area better at least. Downside is anything far away would be able to see me as well and I do not like the thought of that. Some of the trees have these large bulbs on the sides of them. They look like massive tumors stuck on these dead trees, wonder if that is the cause of death?

Straying from the path a little bit I went over to one of the dead trees that had the malignant growth on it. I did not mention this before but once I entered this region with dead trees it did smell kind of bad, but now that I am next to this tree the stench is near unbearable. I cannot even cover my nose . . . snout properly to shield me at least partially from the stench.

Now that I am near face to bark with this tree it seems like there is a layer of slime coating it and that is what is giving off the stench. Oh god . . . yep no more (animal puking noises?). Huuuu . . . huuu, so that is what is in my gut. I rather never have to do that again . . . ever.

Heading back to the path and continuing it seems like every tree as far as my far site will allow me to see is like this. I just need to keep going sooner I see what is at the end of this path the sooner I can head back and take a nap. No way in hell I am staying here for a snooze.


(2 hours later)

My god, this is dreary. I would love for a change in scenery because I am getting sick and tired of grey and black plant life. Although I am getting used to the smell of this place I would rather that not be the case. Hmm . . . what is that?

Out in front of me in the distance there is something different than dead trees. A wall perhaps? I need to get closer if I am going to be able to see it better.

Just a bit of me running had me in front of what I was looking at a minute or two earlier. It was in fact a wall but not a normal one with brick and mortar oh no no no. This one was made of large thick vines intertwined together with nasty looking thorns and spikes lining them. The wall was at least 3 stories tall and there was a gate, but it was closed. Across the face of the gate was an intricately made face of someone, with long eccentric ears peeling off to the sides of its head. If I had to guess this was once home to some elves . . . or still is but I doubt that.

The gate was not in the best of shape seeing how it had some small holes dotted across the front of it. I strolled on up to this big gate and knocked. . . . . great no response just as I thought. You should always knock even if it is some giant walled settlement in the middle of a creepy dead forest. As there was no response, I put some force into my legs and pushed against one of the doors and they creaked a bit but nothing more.

I tried again and again but the doors just were not giving in at all. Hmm what to do. There is no way in hell I am going to get over that wall unscathed with all these barbs and spikes. I rather not go around the perimeter and find another entrance, because even then there still might be another gate which is closed and locked. Nothing wrong with brute forcing it, but this might hurt though.

After that thought ran through my mind, I backed up to about a hundred feet and ran toward the gate. When my shoulder connected with the gate there was a splintering of wood but that was it. Backing up and rubbing my shoulder (because it hurt a lot!) I could see that there was an indentation in the wood and the right side of the gate was leaning in a little bit. Alright a couple more times and this sucker is going to come crashing down!

I ended up smashing into the right-hand side of the gate another 12 times before I came crashing through it. The door was still on its hinges, but now with a medium dinosaur sized hole in it. Finally being able to get to see the other side I am greeted by. . . .

Once again I would like to ask if anyone would want a chapter that just talks about the world and some of the history that surronds it that might or might not be shown eventually.

TheRealRussianArmycreators' thoughts
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