

House continues, "I was assisted in this task by the faction you know as Bulwark, who provided forces which made the acquisition of the Hoover Dam, rather laughably easy. The ease with which we claimed the Dam only reinforced my conviction that the NCR could not protect the Mojave... The flagrant corruption in their backwards bureaucracy, underhanded dealings with both friend and foe, and their utter disregard for rules of both common decency and their own laws, has forced me to reconsider my options..." House trails off, and Mr. New Vegas awaits his response, along with the rest of the Mojave that was listening in.

"I would like to announce the founding of a new nation, one not beholden to the tyrannical NCR, the barbaric Legion, or the authoritarian Brotherhood of Steel. This nation will serve to secure a free Mojave from the grasping hands of tyrants and corrupt leaders, who only wish to chain innocent civilians and force them to become pawns in their foolish wargames... This is the beginning of a new age, and it will be us that will ensure the denizens of the Mojave's freedom." Mr House explains in his same charming manner of speech, annunciating each word so as to put more power into the subject at hand. Truly, Mr House knew how to control a crowd, even if he was currently limited to doing it over the radio.

Even Afton in the Sink felt his spirits rising in excitement at what House was saying. He couldn't help the eager grin forming on his face as he continued to listen.

"My-no, our new nation, Solphelicity will ensure the longevity of New Vegas, its citizens, and the Mojave as a whole. It brings me great honour and anticipation to explore all we can accomplish together... Mr New Vegas, I hope you don't mind if I use your platform to announce other future changes?" Hous suddenly asks the host.

"O-oh! Of course! It would be our distinct pleasure to help you with this... After all, are we not all Solphelicitians now? Hehehehe" the host chuckles.

Afton cuts off the radio as he slouches in his chair. Honestly, the first thing on his mind upon hearing that wasn't the logistics of starting a new nation, nor was it about that agreement he'd eventually have to make with House... It was primarily concentrated on how stupid 'Solphelicity' sounds... You'd think a savvy businessman like House would know better... Though, the man did name his company 'RobCo'...

He shakes his head and sits up, "Glados, is there anything left on the schedule? I feel as if I've forgotten something..." he admits, ignoring the japes made by the AI personalities at his expense.

"Preparations for the Won-War-Celebration are underway and almost completed... AI Designated : Alfred considered our victory a forgone conclusion and began preparations for it." Glados states.

"Oh? I don't remember hearing about this..." Afton wonders aloud.

"Indeed, that is due to this celebration being a surprise... Oh." Glados mutters before a pipe extends from the ceiling, the sound of many party horns go off as a small amount of confetti is shot from it. "Surprise." Glados states in her usual dull tone.


"This seems familiar... And brings back feelings of disappointment..." Afton admits as he stands, "Alright, where's this party then?"

"Outside. Most of the Meatbags have already started the process of intoxication... I suggest you avoid them, with how low their IQ is, the consumption of alcohol may turn them into rabid animals." Glados warns.

Afton just laughs in response, "Yeah, you could call it that... Don't worry Glados, I'm only gonna get a little shit faced... I still have a meeting with House tomorrow, so, if all else fails, make sure I wake up before 11am."

"Affirmative... Enjoy your night amongst the other Meatbags."

Outside :

After putting on something comfortable, Afton steps outside the Think Tank and immediately spots where the celebration is happening. Honestly, even if he didn't have eyes he could tell where they were with how loud they are.

A short distance away from the Think Tank was an open area covered by tarps made from a fortified synthetic mesh... Afton wondered if the material was to protect the partygoers, or if it was just the only stuff they had lying around... Either way, it painted a pretty militaristic picture of Bulwark.

A couple groups seemed to form from the party-goers, each cliche welcomed all groups, but had more engagement with people they were familiar with (obviously), so former Legion slaves grouped up, former NCR grouped up, and former Brotherhood grouped up.

The first people he notices however were actually Anja and Scorpion-Man, both sitting on the outskirts of the party sipping drinks, sitting close to one another and talking. "Sup guys, enjoying yourselves?" Afton suddenly asks from behind them, causing them to jump in surprise.

"A-Afton!?" Juan squeaks in embarrassment as if only now noticing the rather intimate way he'd been sitting with Anja.

"Hi, Sir." Anja easily greets after a moment, tilting an ear in his direction to hear him better.

Afton nods genially but points a lazy finger at their drinks, "Should you be drinking Anja? Pretty sure your Doc recommended not to with your meds." he states.

"You're my doctor though, sir... You said I'd be fine to drink if I didn't take my medication for the night..." she asks anxiously, suddenly worried.

Afton grins and shrugs, "Did I? I must've been drunk then. You two have fun, oh, and, we may develop a few ways to cure your 'eyesight' soon... Though, it'd involve a far more elaborate method than just simply giving you cybernetics..." he waves it off and begins to leave, "Just letting you know."

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Nazlican Erdem

Justin David



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