

Just after Afton had turned invisible, he and Nyx heard a strange sound coming from the other side of the door... It sounded like, something charging up?

Afton's eyes widen to an almost comical degree as he kicks over the hard wooden desk and throws himself behind it.


The doors fly off of its hinges at the explosion, smashing into the wall behind Afton. Strangely, he noticed there didn't seem to be any smoke. Which is what he would've expected from a breach like this.


Afton peeks over the desk and spots a swarm of Robo-Scorpions slowly entering the room... Fortunately, they hadn't spotted him as he was still invisible, but that wouldn't stop them from accidentally touching him.

Quickly, he climbs on top of the desk to avoid catching the robot attention, and sits there as quietly as possible as the robots slowly funnel inside.


The robots crawl all around the room, seemingly confused at the lack of an enemy. "Robo-Scorpions! Use your proximity sensors! It appears our guest has acquired some sort of sneaky-stealth-technology!" Mobius voice echoes from all the robots, causing Afton to pale.

Not waiting another moment, he leaps from the desk, over the robots and lands at the door. The sound of his landing causes them to turn, but they still aren't able to see him. Unfortuantely, it was at this moment that they activate their proximity sensors, immediately powering up their lasers in Afton's direction.

He quickly ducks and runs into the hall, barely dodging the group's laser fire as he slips into a nearby room. He slams the door shut behind him and continues running through the halls, attempting to reach the exit.

He really hadn't expected Mobius' robots to have proximity sensors, though ti does make sense if they were forced to deal with the invisible Night Stalkers. Afton had considered using the device 8 had made for him, but didn't want to use it now and risk Mobius fixing the problem before he escaped from the facility.

"Nyx, anymore robots up ahead?" he quietly asks, as he approaches the double doors leading to the stairs.

"Four enemies above us." she states.

Afton nods and readies his Inversal axe, sprinting up the stairs as fast as possible. He was still invisible, and while the proximity sensors may be able to see him, they weren't quick enough to allow the four Robo-Scorpion to react in time.

He easily slices them apart and reaches the elevator leading out of the test chamber, he throws himself inside and slams his hand on the button that causes moves the elevator upwards.

He sighs to himself as he regains his breath, really, did Mobius already have Robo-Scorpions stationed nearby in case Afton had managed to acquire the technology? If that's the case, then he'd be best served to investigate the outskirts of the last sight to make sure he wasn't walking into a trap.


The elevator reaches the top and the doors slowly open, revealing thirty Robo-Scorpions with their lasers all pointing in his direction... Before he's able to react he's bombarded by lasers, the searingly hot beams of light tearing him apart.

Not even his mutations and Perks would allow him to survive such an onslaught... So, Afton falls to the floor in a smoking heap. Nyx crying out for her new, and most likely last user to get up. Of course, Afton hears none of this due to his most certain demise...

"Good work my Robo-Scorpions! You showed that intruder the what-for!"

[Miracle Maker activated]

Afton quietly groans in pain as he spots the notification in his peripheral. He'd died just now, a painful death where his internal organs had been liquified. The stealth suit was pretty damaged, but not unfixable... Fortunately, the Robo-Scorpions hadn't noticed that he'd survived yet, allowing him to reach into his satchel...

He pulls out the box and presses the button.

"My Robo-Scorpions! There is a traitor among us! Destroy each other until you find them!" a strange mixture of voices that mimicked Mobius's suddenly shouts over the Robo-Scorpions radio. And, as dutiful soldiers, they all immediately start blasting each other to pieces.

Afton shoves the box back into his satchel and gets to his feet, quickly running for the exit. "You're alive!" Nyx shouts exuberantly.

"Yeah, for now. Let's get out of here before anything else can change that." he says as he runs through the hallway where he'd originally named Nyx.

Robo-Scorpions were everywhere, but they seemed to pay no attention to Afton, more concerned about attacking one another. Once Afton reaches the exit, he's greeted by an army of Robo-Scorpions all attacking one another.

He sprints away to get some distance before turning and pulling out the Sonic Emitter. Now would be the best time to thin out the robots before they could next be used against him. He probably wouldn't get another shot at this, as 8's device only worked as long as Mobius allowed it to.

He lines up a shot at one of the robots in the middle of the army, prays to the god of explosions 'Megumin-sama', and fires.

[Critical hit!]


His attack critically hits one of the robots, causing the Robo-Scorpion frequency on his Sonic Emitter to activate, the enemy hit imploding into a wonderful explosion... Which is quickly followed up by his Perk [Meltdown].

Large glowing green explosions begin occurring in the middle of the army, each scorpion killed adding to the destruction via another green *boom!*. Everything caught within the chain reaction is instantly rendered ashes or glowing goop of radioactive paste.

Out of the hundreds of Robo-Scorpions, only a few heavily damaged stragglers remain. A huge crater directly outside the X-13 facility is left, fortunately not damaging the building.

Afton laughs and jabs a finger towards the last remaining robots, "Yeah! That's what you get you crazy robotic son of a bitch!" he shouts, not taking notice of the fact he was still invisible, and therefore couldn't be seen taunting.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

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