
Clearing up the place

Afton spots Karl and someone else coming out of the Visitors centre, the tag-along wasn't wearing their Powder Ganger jacket which probably meant they were on their side. He gives Karl a brief wave of acknowledgement before continuing to fire upon the grounded Powder Gangers.

Karl jumped into action, taking cover behind some metal debris and firing at the backs of the Powder Gangers. The sudden attack from both sides was too much for the criminals to handle, most immediately routed and tried to run, but were gunned down by the combined force of the NCR and Afton's group.

The NCR arrested any who surrendered with their hands up, their laws prohibited them from simply just executing people. From the hundred or so Powder Gangers, there were only around nine left, all of which were now being pinned to the ground and handcuffed by the NCR soldiers.

Afton exited the watchtower and made his way down the walkway with his hands up, the NCR troops attempted to apprehend him but were stopped by Sargeant Emil who had Karl and the unknown man at his side.

Emil grinned at them all, "You boys did a fantastic job if I've ever seen one! Damn, I'm still itching for a fight. Taking out that searchlight saved us some trouble, and those dead Gangers in the Visitors centre were you two I'm guessing?" he glances at Karl and his friend.

Karl nods, "Yeah, needed to get that front door locked in-case anymore came through. Being able to flank them was just a bonus." he adds before gesturing at Meyers, "This here is Meyers, his sentence was almost up when the Powder Gangers took over, he didn't take part in the escape and so they imprisoned him here to prevent him blabbing to you lot. I hope you'll take his actions into account." he asks with a stern look.

Emil nods and looks at Meyers, "Sir, whatever you were imprisoned for is forgotten, you may have saved some of my troops lives. For that, I am thankful. Now, all that's left is to clear the buildings out for any remaining Gangers."

"Ah... You might want to hold off on taking the Administration building, Eddie's probably still in there with his bodyguards. I reckon they'll hunker down in his office with as much ammo as they can carry." Afton says, causing Emil to nod and pull back the troops who were about to charge into the building.

Emil gave them a sheepish look, "I don't suppose I could ask you boys to help us take the building? You're more familiar with it and the people inside than we are."


Afton pauses and checks his Pipboy, smirking to himself when he sees it.

[Capture the NCRCF administration]

[Optional: Kill Eddie and his men]

Afton slowly nods at Emil after checking it, "I'll do it... I'll be expecting some extra pay though." he says, causing Emil shrug, "I can't pay you but you can get first dibs on whatever the men inside have on them."

"That's enough." Afton mutters, idly remembering that Eddie had a plasma pistol strapped to his side.

"Guess I'm goin' too, can't let the youngsters take over just yet." Karl says as he opens his .44 Magnum and stuffs some more ammo into it.

Meyers shakes his head, deciding not to accompany them into another firefight. He wasn't scared, just weary. Additionally, any chance of him fighting Scrambler had his legs refusing to move, even when he commanded them to.

Afton and Karl stood on either side of the double door leading into the Administration building, NCR soldiers had already set up cover opposite the door so they could easily fire inside onto anyone guarding the entrance.

Karl showed Afton his fingers and began silently counting down with them, on zero both quickly opened the doors before getting back into cover. This was the correct choice as bullets immediately started flying from both the NCR and the remaining Powder Gangers who were inside.

Shouts of pain came from both sides as people dropped, but the NCR eventually won out due to their better firepower and numbers. Afton took a glance inside and saw that everyone had been eliminated... One Powder Ganger seemed to still be alive, but he was rapidly bleeding out.

He cautiously entered the building and dragged the man outside, throwing their gun away to prevent them from doing something stupid. "You, can you talk?"

The Powder Ganger shudders in pain and coughs up some blood... A bullet had pierced a lung if he had to guess. "Y-yeah.. D'fuck you want.. Traitor."

"I can save your life, if you talk about what Eddie's doing." Afton quickly says, the man's eyes widening at this.

"You can help? Right... You're the Doc." he mutters after remembering Afton's job. He coughs again but pushes himself to talk, "Eddie's gone nuts, fuckin' nuts. He left us in the doorway with fuck all ammo and dogshit weapons while he trapped himself in his office. He's panicking and wants to wait for Scrambler and the rest to get back."

Afton nods, pulling out a stimpack and injecting it into the man, they release a long sigh, blinking their eyes a couple times before passing out. Usually he'd not waste a stimpack on this idiot, with the NCR at his back it'd be best he kept his word and followed their procedure... Douchebags would save someone before imprisoning for life... They probably did it because prisoners were essentially free labour.

Afton glances behind him at Emil and Karl, "Hear that?"

Karl nods, "Probably need something explosive to breach the office if what he said was true... The building was made to withstand riots, can't exactly just shoot our way through."

Emil crosses his arms, "We've got a couple grenades ready, plus the dynamite the Gangers had on them."

"Dynamite'll do nicely, we'll breach the room, just have your men ready when we do." Karl mutters.

Hope you bois enjoyed the chap, if I missed anything please let me know

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