

What we'd done, and what we hadn't done yet.

When Fenju eyes caught mine in the mirror just before she looked down, her chest flushing pink over the curves of her breast in that laces bra and I was insanely jealous of.

That's my girl.

She was remembering too. Some things between us might be a bit damaged up right now, but in the connection of our love making were solid.

"We are not even close to being done discussing how the emotional being jealous in regards of you as my boyfriend," I stepped up behind her, bringing my hand up to her hair and grabbing a handful.

Then Fenju inhaled deeply as flared her eyes up to mine in the mirror.

"And you are in so much trouble right now." I tugged her head to the side and bared her neck so I could get at it.

"Ahh!" She breathed heavily.

"What are you doing?" She question in anger.

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