
When He's Home

Kwan snuggled closer to the warm and fluffy pillow. He hasn't hugged this kind of fluffiness for a while now and he loved it. It took him around a minute or so before he realized something odd… the pillow was sort of hard. It wasn't too hard for his liking for him to be bothered with… it was rather it being… warm.

His eyes began to flutter slowly awake. He lifted his head a little and stared at his pillow waiting for his eyes to adjust and focus on it. He let out a scream and pushed his so-called pillow. He fell off the bed in the process landing on his bottom with a groan escaping his lips.

His pillow, rather, Jeon Wonshik was laughing softly and stared at him from above. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?! What are you doing?!" He retaliated. He didn't know what to say at that point; he wasn't exactly sure if he was embarrassed snuggling that close to Jeon Wonshik, out of all people, or the fact that when he pushed the man he fell off the bed instead.

Wonshik smiled and lifted him up by under the armpits and placed him on the bed like a little child. He admits that this was the first time he's had a good night's sleep for a very long time. He's forgotten how relaxing sleep could be. He pulled him closer and had him in a tight bear hug.

Kwan groaned again, not having it. He punched Wonshik on the face but the other swiftly grabbed his fist.

"Now now. Are you hungry?"

"No!" Kwan's tummy grumbled saying otherwise.

"Would it hurt you to say yes?" Wonshik smiled and booped his nose getting out of bed. He was still in his bunny onesie. He fixed his hair and held out his hand for the other to take. 

Kwan was hesitant but grabbed it anyway covering his blush with his hand covered in a fluffy paw gloves. He was pulled out of bed and on his feet. He was being dragged out of the room when he realized that people could see them in this kind of scene so he started pulling away but he was in a tight grip.

Wonshik knew what was bothering Kwan at the moment so he reassured him that no one was around, "It's just us for today."

Kwan sighed in relief and followed closely behind. He sat by the high tool infront of the counter. He was expecting a chef to appear but suddenly remembered that they were both alone. As he was about to ask who was going to cook, Wonshik began to pull out some containers from the fridge.

"I woke up super early today… I just got so excited that you were going to eat breakfast here that I accidentally made too much."

"Why didn't you wake me up then?" Kwan asked with an amused expression.

"You just look so peaceful that I couldn't." He whispered softly but Kwan heard that resulted to a blush.

Kwan pursed his lips and looked around spotting Wonshik's old fashion wall clock. It was around 10 am. 

"What time did you wake up?"

"Early." Wonshik said as he began reheating the soup along with the noodles.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Some soup, seafood fisherman pasta and… do you like coffee?" He asked without looking back and started to take on.

"Well… I'm not sure since you can't cook for shit." Kwan snickered and eyed the man curiously.

"I can make some coffee… scratch that. I make the best coffee." Wonshik smiled at himself, showing off to Kwan. He grabbed the two cups of coffee and brought them to the counter. "Give it a try."

Kwan hummed and slowly grabbed the cup, not really trusting it so much. He looked at Wonshik who was drinking his own coffee silently, not sparing him a look at all.

"If I wanted to do something to you, I would've done it while you were sleeping."

Kwan hummed and brought the cup to his lips and took a tad bit amount. He had about just the right amount to let his tongue taste the liquid and all of a sudden there he was practically gobbling up the dame cup.

"Woah! There's more! Don't eat my cup!" Wonshik teased.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked as he began licking every inch of the cup's inner areas. He's always loved coffee and this is practically the first time he tasted something that good. "Why does it taste this good?" He then narrowed his eyes at the now empty cup. "You put something here didn't you?"

"No! I just make great coffee and besides it's not that instant coffee."

"So, you have your own coffee beans?" He asked.

Wonshik smiled and went back to his stove to prepare the meals. "I'll show you one day."

The two had breakfast together in a comfortable silence. Kwan had offered to clean the dishes but was told to take a shower instead.

"Do you even know how to wash dishes?"

"Just because I can't cook, doesn't mean I can't clean. Now go." He sassed and gathered the dirty plates and placing them on the sink. Kwan pouted but did as he was told.

Kwan was then given the day off which he found really weird. He was cautious of Jeon's actions because he doesn't completely trust him yet.

"Are you sure you don't want me to… be a maid?" Kwan asked.

"No I don't need someone in the house at the moment. I need to get things done for the upcoming launch. Which reminds me… could you be my date?

"Ha!" Kwan laughed and held his stomach. Jeon Wonshik asking him to be his date was just hilarious. "I think there was something wrong with the food-"

"The food was great… I'm not kidding." Wonshik said as his eyes turned into a serious one and his aura was back to the one that was always ready for a fight or so.

Kwan paused and looked at him straight in the eye. "No." He said, "I can't be your date." He frowned and looked at his shoes. The ones that he wore yesterday. They were ragged and yet they were his best ones. He uses it for his work as a salesman and for other important business but they were obviously worn out. 

'Why would Wonshik ever want to have him as a date? Of All people?'

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Well, I'm not saying yes either."

"Eungoo will be there," Wonshik said knowing that Kwan cannot refuse this one. "If you are good, I'd let you two even talk. It can't be private since I cannot trust-"

"Me." Kwan finished, his eyes saddened at the thought of Wonshik embarrassed of him or doesn't trust him to behave. 

"Them." Wonshik calmly corrected. He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest and smiled sadly. "I don't trust most of the people coming to that very day and neither should you." He then threw something at him which Kwan caught with ease.

"What's this?" Kwan sees a key that had shuriken symbol carved on it.

"Eungoo's gift and my invitation to you. Call me when you've decided." Wonshik said and walked out on Kwan. He smirked since he knew that he'd get that call sooner or later.

Kwan gasped when he turned around and saw a Ninja Kawasaki on full display by the fountain. He was about to yell at Wonshik when he turned around, the man was gone. He sighed and got on it, strapping the helmet on his head. He breathed in before inserting the key and letting the big bike hum to life.

He smiled and got of Jeon's property and sped off home. His heart was beating against his chest as he could feel the rush hitting his body. He felt free. He felt alive.

As soon as he got to his apartment he hummed and parked his new big bike in his personal storage. It was perfectly hidden from everybody else. He has acquired it not too long ago since he moved here and it was handy for storing important stuff. As soon as he locked the door he ran straight to his room to get changed only to be greeted with the most unexpected.


Kwan smiled widely and ran straight to the man that held out a medium-sized blue teddy bear. The stranger chuckled and hugged him back along with the fluffy stuffed toy.

"You're back!!!" 

Kwan shouted in glee. His arms wrapped around the man's neck and his legs around his waist. He looked like a koala hugging a bamboo tree at that position. His eyes then sparkled when he slowly grabbed the fluffy item and hugged it with one hand.

"I wanted to surprise you last night but you weren't home. Where were you?"

Kwan hummed in response and eyed the blue bear and muttered 'stuff'. 

"I missed you, Jinhae!" Kwan cheered and hugged him one more time.

"I missed you too, Yoonie. You've been out and about for quite some time now. It's time to go back home, shall we?"

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