
Comments of chapter undefined of Marvel: A God's Journey.

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Best way is the way of kratos he has the legendary talent against the heavens and gods


Its just a joke...

Readtilltheybleed:??? Um, is this a god of war reference... seriously think about the guy’s background before you go cursing the MC. God of war was about revenge. Kratos was treated like a toy by Ares. The main trigger for his rampage against the gods is his need to take revenge on Ares because when he acted as a warrior for Ares, Ares tricked Kratos into SLAUGHTERING HIS OWN FAMILY.

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It makes you wonder why he still even bothers with asgard other than author making relations between him and brynhildr to keep those ties. If she was not there after family is on Olympus the mc would be free.


Your story is just.... Ummm getting plain??? With MC not even improving himself somewhat and just remain Beta MC... At first it was exciting and all but now I just read bcs u updated it ... Wonder why


He doesn’t need to “persuade” her as He can just go to olympus and if she decides to do anything to him Then zeus will definitely declre war and I have no doubt that they wont rest until Frigga is not punished badly for hurting An olympian for no reason

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thanks for the chapter I'm a little disappointed in Frigga I thought she would take this time to get to know the MC better and try to mend fences between him and Odin.but instead it seems like she's already made up her mind about him not being good enough for her daughter

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So first he completely ignored Hela for stupid, senseless reason like her divinity screwing up with her head. And now he's practically bending over for these Asgardians to bully him when he's one of the 12 major gods of mount Olympus.?? If Brunhilde can't come to Olympus with him, then perhaps she's not worth it.


well fvck you too frigga, off with your head


ugh seriously this is turning into some dumb angsty garbage I'm so tired of these Asgardians he should just leave I'm taking a break from this Asgardians are urking me lol maybe when I come back Valli will have left their garbage place

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just say he wasn't planning it on doing it on asgard but on midgard, where his worshipers are,if he tries to persuade her,it's no different than showing she has power over him.

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I really hope that he can overcome any design or vision of the future and his marriage does not fail.


But why tho? Why would he need the permission of frigga to marry his girl when frigga is clearly in the palm of oafdin(this is not a misspelling) like why? We know that frigga will follow Oafdin so... Why?!

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I think I'll take a break and stock up on chapters ... This whole situation and this endless drama with Asgard is starting to irritate.

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I do get why Frigga thinks it wont be a good marriage... he is pretty much always cooped up in his research and study... while his wife is more of a free spirit and fighter I would say. Meh whatever, all up to you author to prove the old bitch wrong :D


frigga speaks as if her marriage were an example of perfect marriage

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What will Valli's political standing as a consist to a princess? Prince Consort?

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Honestly I think the author just kinda hates Norse mythology and is trying to make us hate it to, in real life or the story.

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Ragnarok's gonna be epic. Instead of odin and asgard reviving, MC could just end it's cycle. Also waiting for our boy Loki to do some serious damage together with his mentor. Frigga doesn't even confront Odin of his infedelities, so what does she know of love?


Another idea for a new divinity :- Divinity of Emotions : (Includes Fear , Happines , Greed , Envy , Hatred , Sadness , Misery , Hope ...etc) * Can sense emotions by various means , like scrying the mind/soul of the target , OR sensing/Observing the bio-chemical reactions that happen inside them and the enzymes they produce * Can Manipulate enotions of self & others ..... Like a branch of Mind Magic arts , Empathy * Can be strengthened by emotions , especially when they are felt in bulk .... Ex . The Serpent (Odin's brother) was a god of Fear , he coukd be strengthen when he senses beings with the emotion of Fear ....

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I found this chapter a little weak

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Will the marriage be unsuccessful? Because honestly if it is, it's not even worth doing. ( Google Translate )