
Chapter 33: A crack in the timeline

Chapter 33: A crack in the timeline

A continuation

Hi guys, I'm Max your favorite fictional protagonist and I'm currently watching the last duel, oh yeah, my turn is coming,

Host Arman says excitedly "They're ready to watch the two remaining matches"

Excited audience shouted "We are ready"

Host Arman says "Our next contestant is a lady, from Japan Miss Setsune Sagamura."

From the entrance of the participants

A beautiful young Asian woman could be seen, of a height of 1.67CM, of a slender figure, straight black hair, black eyes, beautiful features of an Asian woman, of a playful attitude or aura. She was dressed in a beautiful traditional pink kimono printed with different colored flowers.

"Hello handsome, you should call my opponent!" Setsune says in a flirtatious and playful tone.

Poor Arman was a lonely single man, seeing that a beautiful girl flirt with him, of course he will answer "of course beautiful and then if you want we can get to know each other better."

Shehe that Arman guy doesn't change her ways, I kept watching the drama unfolding on the platform.

"Ara, ara, Mr. Arman is hinting that I have a chance to marry you" Setsune says in a flirtatious, seductive and playful tone.

"Of course beautiful, you have a lot of opportunity" says Arman

Aberforth observing that the host Arman and her duties were forgotten. He interrupts and says "Arman, announce the next competitor"

Oh thank you Aberforth, I certainly won't forget to give you a bonus on your salary. I kept watching

"Sure, I forgot, haha" Arman replies, clearly her face was a little embarrassed to be interrupted, but he says "the next contestant is from China, loud applause to Miss Soong Mei-ling".

From the entrance you could see a tall Asian woman of about 177cm, with a slender figure, straight black hair with an imperial style bun, black eyes, beautiful Asian facial features, he wore a traditional sky blue Hanfu, without any flashy ornaments.

Approaching Mei-ling says "Let's get started"

"Of course and now to witness this match, our dear referee Aberforth Dumbledore" says Arman excitedly.

Aberforth walks up to the middle platform between the two witches and says "I want an honorable and fair duel, you can only win the duel by stunning, wounding or your opponent surrendering and you cannot kill the opponent, it is understood."

Setsune and Mei-ling answer "yes / yes"

Both competitors present their wands, in keeping with the tradition of dueling. They turn around and walk the ten steps, then they turn and look into each other's eyes with great battle intent.

"When the bell rings the duel begins," says Arman.

Ting, Ting.

While I was watching the duel from my private box and regretting that I had to wait my turn, something unexpected happened because I felt a crack in time, that only happens when some clumsy or idiot forcibly travels in time.

Using my super incredible skills from the magic path library, I was able to perceive three cracks in three different places of which one was in London, the other was in Diagon Alley specifically and the last one being the one perceiving, because it is so close from where I was.

With nothing else to do to kill my boredom and curiosity, I set about investigating who was the clumsy that would open a crack near me. Placing two fingers on my forehead and closing one eye I used my personal <Visualize> spell towards the nearby time rift and I could see two young wizards entering the stadium with honesty I felt like I had seen them somewhere. But he didn't remember them.

I use <Visualize> again towards London and I can observe a witch dragging a young wizard. It honestly looked like a romantic kidnapping scene as the witch was arguing about something and the wizard was yelling back at her. But there was something about the witch that made her very familiar to me, but I could guess. At some point the witch felt like she was being watched and cast a spell that almost broke the connection with my spell. The strange thing and the most remarkable thing is that he looked in my direction with a nostalgic smile. Another peculiar thing is that the spell I cast was created by me.

A second later I felt that the witch uses the spell to connect her mind with mine, something similar to telepathy, but because of the long distance she could not do it and she lacks magic. I think she will come to France as she was watching with her eyes in my direction. I think I know who it is, but it's better to confirm later.

Placing my two fingers on my forehead again and closing one eye and using my <Visualize> spell towards the time crack in Diagon Alley, when observing I could see two wizards older than 30 to 40 years and a witch of 30 to 40 years, but I knew this trio and well it's better not to get involved in this shit.

But just as I said those words, I felt another crack in time , but this one was something different and in a nutshell it was sinister and evil. Observing with <Visualize>, me puzzled was that he was a man who did not look human. Concentrating, I teleport to the place behind the man and launch a powerful and modified <Desmaius>, the man in question falls to the ground like lead and throws another <Desmaius> at him. Just in case he was pretending to be passed out, since in magic you can never be entirely sure and it's better to be safe than to make a rookie mistake.

With telekinesis I strip the man of all his objects, when inspecting the objects, I realize that I had never seen anything like it and well with curiosity I use for the first time the touch of the magic library on the man's boots and something comes out.

Unknown boots

Range: ??

Running speed attributes 13%

Balance attribute 5%

Item Note: Of unknown origin, a demonic aura is felt on the item.

Clearly someone, wanted to interrupt my tranquility, but as I am going to allow that to happen, I throw at the poor devilman one of the most useful magic in the world Harry Potter, since with this magic there is no impossible interrogation. <Legeremancy> and I immediately see his memories and every dirty secret he has.

And it turns out that I discovered that the bastard Albus Dumbledore was bored and decided to study a passage to another dimension or another plane. This dimension was a demonic one and albus without exploring anything, I seal the crack. The problem is that with old time Albus died and the crack seal began to open. The demons began to invade the magical world and the trio of naive as leaders of the light were decimated, but they gained some air and thanks to the neutral families took action on the matter.

I think I should meet up with the golden trio and see what the fuck I'm getting into, I don't want to sound prejudiced about everyone's favorite golden trio, but they had so much potential, that it just got wasted and is painful to see in the movie.

So I teleport where the witch and the kidnapped boy were, I must know all the circumstances. When I arrive I see that you are arguing.

"Silly, you think my grandfather is useless like your father, my grandfather is the most powerful wizard in history and the fact that you don't know him, you mean that you are a low-class wizard" says the witch in a mocking tone.

"That, how dare you insult my father, he was the boy who lived and the one who defeated the dark lord Voldemort" says the young wizard.

"You know silly, I love you, but in this we have different points of view and I am more powerful than you" says the witch.

"What a couple of interesting young people, then you must of being my granddaughter?. Since I feel the smell of a Dovahkiin in you" I tell them to get their attention.

"Who you are?" the young wizard says surprised

"Grandpa" says the witch excitedly and jumps hugging me excitedly.

"What, is he your grandfather?" asks the young man

Will continue in the next chapter.

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