
Chapter 10: Big Investments and A Young Rita.

Chapter 10: Big Investments and A Young Rita.

---- The Gringotts place ----

Point of View Max

Well, here I am reviewing many overdue debts with the ministry, which accumulate about 90 million galleons and no wonder the bastards want me to pay so urgently, that to be honest I would do everything possible to get paid. I also see an old loan of over 300 million galleons, which my grandfather had lent to the ministry after the Grindelwald war and that means, the bastards from the ministry owe me galleons. If I play my cards right this could be worth more than galleons and there could even be favors and there were also some debts from various Noble Houses owed to House Dovahkiin.

Now I look at the investments of the Noble House Dovahkiin, many have gained many galleons and others not so much, and in others they have lost galleons, but it is within my calculations of the long-term investment, you just have to give some intrusions here and there, and I will surely win a lot.

Now I set my eyes on properties, which buy all over the world be it magical or muggle and let me tell you that my family owns 13 islands, many castles and mansions, buildings and businesses. I also bought almost all of Diagon Alley and all the dirty Knockturn Alley stores, it will take a lot of money to remodel everything. I also came up with an idea to do a private school, hahaha, this would make old Albus lose a lot of gullible sheep!, hahaha, just seeing his face would be great!

Suddenly I felt a very weak presence and I really realized that I had let my guard down. I realize that I am being watched since I arrived at Diagon Alley, setting my alarms to maximum and simulated I begin to scan the room with my magic, finding a small blue beetle on the back of my desk snooping my documents. I couldn't help but smile as I knew her from my childhood.

"You know Rita, it's rude to snoop on your husband's documents" I tell her.

The little beetle shuddered a lot, it was quite funny to see it shaking.

"Aren't you going to reveal yourself?" I ask him with a serious look.

When I probed her with Legitimacy I saw that she was thinking about (How did she realize and how she knows my name) Rita thought and she transforms into a sexy blonde with green eyes and says "Who are you?, How do you know my name?, I am not your wife!, I have a fiancé that my father agreed to in a marital contract with his friend and that I would marry his son Maximillium".

True she is my first fiancée, established by my late father and not that I'm complaining, as Rita is quite sexy.

With a smile I stood up from my chair and walked towards her, speaking "How sad I thought you remembered me, you always said that you would be a great journalist and I never thought you would write about your husband's activities."

A still puzzled Rita looked at me and seeing her so puzzled I asked her, "You don't remember me, do you? Let me ask you, what is your fiancé's name?"

When probing her with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking of (This man is very cheeky and apparently we know each other, but I don't remember him) Rita thought and replied with a loving smile "My fiance is called Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin!"

"Well, at least you know my name and you've grown a lot Rita, you look very pretty and sexy" says Max, but he thought (Certainly, you look incredibly beautiful and I'm already looking forward to conquering your body).

When I probed her with Legitimacy, I saw that she was thinking about (That can't be, my dear boyfriend has already arrived in the country and I didn't know anything) Rita thought and puzzled question "Wait! Are you my boyfriend?, But isn't your name Max?".

(She is quite clueless, when she wants to be) she thought and said with a smile "Max for friends and now you want to explain to me what you are doing here. How much did you hear?"

When I probed her with Legitimacy I saw that she was thinking (Oh no! Now she has a bad impression of me, Rita you must give everything and not disappoint your fiancé) Rita thought and somewhat embarrassed says "Listen all honey, but do not worry husband, I am not a fool and besides I want to be your wife and I cannot ruin my husband. What are we going to eat if I do that?".

(Most shameless girl I will have to punish her) I think and stand in front of Rita, I stretch my left hand towards her waist and bring her closer to me and with my right hand take her chin so that she looks into my eyes, doing that I kiss her in the act. Then I drop her and walk to the desk where the documents were, sitting like a king and I say mischievously "Just for that, you deserve a kiss."

When I probed her with Legilimency I saw that she was thinking (Oh by Melin, my boyfriend kissed me and I'm not fantasizing about it !, hehe, what would my ex-roommates say, if they knew that I have a handsome and rich boyfriend they would surely die of envy) she thought Rita. She was very happy and says "Max you became very attractive you know, hehe",

"What can I say, I think I got very good nutrition" I say cheekily.

"You have to help me husband, your wife wants to be a famous journalist, you know?" Rita says, but with a sexy and seductive tone, she was clearly flirting with me.

"I can help you, but with a couple of conditions," says Max.

"Which husband?" Rita says already excited.

"Let the news be your husband, I want him to announce that the world dueling champion and famous bounty hunter has just arrived in the country. Max The Dragon Tyrant, the most powerful magician of the new generation and of course you can put your personal touch on him and glorify me, but do not divulge anything that exposes us "I say.

Rita jumps up and sits on my lap giving me a kiss and says "hehe, I will, my husband Max!".

Rita kisses me again and runs out of the room, clearly excited to have good news to write.

Gornuk with a smile says "Oh the youth these days, Max I think you knew your childhood girlfriend".

When I heard him I laughed, but with a half serious smile I asked him "Haha, could you get the calculations of the materials and labor that this magical city cost me? Grandpa Gornuk!".

"Yes young tyrant, estimate that you will spend 2.5% of your personal vault" says Gornuk.

"I want it to be built in less than 6 months, I also want to build a gigantic stadium for Quidditch matches or duels" I tell him in a tone of order.

"Are you sure, boy? I don't see any benefit in this" Gornuk asks, but probing him with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking of (Certainly many galleons will go to waste, I don't see any benefit much less any use for this waste of galleons).

"That's because you don't know anything, Grandpa Gornuk!" I say in a mocking and sarcastic tone.

Gornuk says in a curious tone "Oh why don't you enlighten this old fool, oh great tyrant!"

With a smile as if I enlightened a disciple I say "You know that in the muggle world there is a famous game called soccer, this game is very similar to Quidditch in the fanaticism of its fans and what makes this industry earn a lot money is food, drink, clothes with the names of their favorite players, etc ".

Gornuk was clearly still in doubt and asked "I still don't understand, how does that relate to merchandise?"

Hahaha, this old man never imagined, that there is such a way and I imagine that in the future others will realize it, but I will be the owner of the industry for that moment

With a patient smile he explains "Imagine it like this! You are the owner of a company that sells the merchandise that I mentioned and you were able to establish your store right in front of the stadium, which by chance that same day an important game of Quidditch is played. After the game a cheerful crowd of dupes comes out, ready to spend all their money on all your merchandise and now tell me Grandpa Gornuk, you don't think it is an incredible way to make money without doing anything".

When probing him with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking of (Oh for the gold Merlin, so there was such a way to earn easy money) Gornuk thought and said in a joking tone: "O mighty tyrant! In all my years of old age I had never heard a Such a magnificent way to earn money and the Gringotts will accompany you in this magical city of yours, little tyrant, sometimes I feel that you are the goblin and I am the human. "

"Certainly sometimes I think so too, however, I love being rich, there may be honesty in poverty and living honestly may be honest, but I feel that I can face 95% of my problems being rich and the other 5% left over. It can be solved using violence "I tell him with a smile. Since I thought that the world turns according to wealth, if you are poor then you work to survive with a couple of coins and if you are very rich then you live a comfortable life.

"Haha, big words and I also like to live in wealth" says Gornuk.

"Well it's time for me to go to the ministry, I want to speak with Minister Eugenia Jenkins to pay my costs and get my loans back. I also want you to collect from the Noble House that they owe to my Noble House Dovahkiin and the Gringotts will get 8% of what we raise and 2% to have a great retirement of old age, grandfather Gornuk "I tell him with a smile.

When probing him with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking about (How stupid are those guys from the Ministry to want to mess with this young tyrant) Gornuk thought and with a laugh he said "Jojo, what a generous young tyrant! Don't worry we'll charge in the old style of the Noble House Dovahkiin and we will collect the galleons at high speed. "

With a smile he says "Also if you find a noble house that sells its properties or shares, buy everything under a second name and then transfer it to my Noble House Dovahkiin, goblin style, hahaha".

When probing him with Legilimency I saw that he was thinking about (Ah the young tyrant has grown up and if only old Maximus could see him, he would surely be proud) thought Gornuk and with a laugh he replied "hahaha, of course young tyrant!".

When I get up, I take the bills and documents to pay my debts, but with a smile I am going to give the ministry a bad day ...

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